
5 Bizarre Ways the Human Brain Is Dooming the Economy
When we try to wrap our hunter-gatherer brains around concepts like student loan interest rates and year-end bonuses, it starts misfiring in all sorts of ridiculous ways.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
22 Laws That Don't Seem Possible (But Are)
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
15 True Stories That Pretty Much Say 'Karma'
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
33 Pop Culture Ridiculous Controversies
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Scary Myths You Probably Believe About the Economy
Spoiler alert: nobody can actually predict the economy.
- Authors
- By Marcus O'Reilly
- Published
20 Smile-Inducing Facts
Turns out the world isn't completely full of doom and gloom.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Products in Your Bathroom You Won't Believe Don't Work
You're going to feel a bit icky after this article.
- Authors
- By Elisabeth Fu
- Published
5 Clearly Fake News Stories The Media Told You Were True
Apparently, The media doesn't always have time for such time-consuming practices as 'fact checking' and 'thinking about this for a moment to work out if it sounds idiotic.'
- Authors
- By Danny Gallagher, Kier Harris
- Published
We Want to Pay You to Write for Us
Let's get right to it: We will pay you to write things for us even if you have never written anything for anybody before.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
5 Clearly Fake News Stories That Fooled the Media
When every news outlet feels like it has to break stories before Twitter has the chance, a lot of corners get cut. Specifically, the corner called 'fact checking.'
- Authors
- By Danny Gallagher
- Published
The 6 Most Hilariously Stupid Criminal Excuses of All Time
If making fun of stupid criminals is a crime, then we plead guilty. We'll even do it in some laughably incompetent way so that we can become a list entry in one of our own articles.
- Authors
- By Tracy V.
- Published
The 25 Most Popular Articles of 2011
The views have been tallied. The critics have been ignored. Nothing but the hits: the 25 most crazy popular articles we put up this year.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians, CRACKED Staff
- Published
How To Be a Person: A Guide to Life for the Recent Graduate
Greetings, graduating classes of 2011! Congratulations on accomplishing all you have accomplished to get here, and pre-congratulations on all the accomplishments you will surely accomplish in your accomplishful futures.
- Authors
- By Lindy West
- Published
St. Patrick vs Guy Celebrating St. Patrick's Day [CHART]
People give Christmas a lot of heat for forgetting what the holiday REALLY is all about. But when it comes to forgetting stuff, no holiday can match up with Saint Patrick's Day.
- Authors
- By Matt Gallagher
- Published
The 5 Craziest Exploits of the World's Shadiest Politician
Silvio Berlusconi basically Scrooge McDuck but wears pants less often. He's spent nine years running Italy like a frat house on double-secret probation.
- Authors
- By Luke McKinney
- Published