30 Pieces of Good News That Went Unnoticed

30 Pieces of Good News That Went Unnoticed

Considering how most new outlets present the news, you would think that theres nothing but despair out there. And so, we decided to sift through all the doom and gloom and find some positive news headlines for a change. Headlines like…

Michael J Fox has raised $1 billion to cure Parkinson's, and he's still going. That's how much his foundation has raised, and he said, I just want to get this done. I'm committed to this. I won't stop until it happens. CRACKED.COM


A science teacher partly regained her sight thanks to a camera and brain implant. She was blind, but can now see letters and the edges of objects, and even play a Maggie Simpson video game. She's had zero complications in six months. CRACKED.COM


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