
7 Bizarre Products for Dressing Up Your Genitals
In a time when everything from artificial tans to calf implants has become culturally acceptable, for some reason genitals usually get left out of the body-decoration process. The only real option until recently was choosing between carpet or hardwood floors. Well, not anymore!
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo
- Published
Online Stalking: How to Google Your Way Out of Love [CHART]
- Authors
- By Stephen Cook
- Published
The 7 Most Terrifying Sex Toys Ever Patented
- Authors
- By Luke McKinney
- Published
6 Factors That Secretly Influence Who You Have Sex With
- Authors
- By Mark M., Kathy Benjamin, Sami Reeves
- Published
The 6 Most Cynical Exploitations of Romantic Love in History
Every year, we hear too-cool cynics deride Valentine's Day as a holiday invented by greeting card companies that cynically exploit romantic love for profit. But we say, so what? Society has been exploiting romantic love since the day it was invented.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
5 Scientific Reasons Your Girlfriend's Father Hates You
There's nothing you can do about it, because the Universe is working to make sure the old man hates you forever.
- Authors
- By Mark M.
- Published
5 People Who Started Religions Just to Get Laid
Sometimes, joining a cult means finding yourself attached at the junk to a creepy weirdo who couldn't figure out a less shameless way to get laid.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
The Beginning of a Very Confusing Adolescence [COMIC]
Kid's going to make for a terrible first boyfriend.
- Authors
- By Fatawesome .com
- Published
5 Reasons Women Are As Shallow As Men (According to Science)
Thanks to romantic comedies and crappy comedians, we know that men are crude, shallow boors that only care about sex, and women are weepy sensitive hippies that only care about poetry and what's on the inside.
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
How to Really Solve The Problem of Teen Pregnancy [COMIC]
It's much simpler than you think.
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
How to Refer to Someone's Life-Partner [COMIC]
There really is no non-awkard word for that.
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
Snuggie Sutra: 10 Ways to Use Sleeves on a Blanket [CHART]
If you can suddenly reinvent keeping warm while getting cozy with a great novel, there's no reason you can't reinvent keeping warm while getting cozy with a great lover.
- Authors
- By Lex Friedman
- Published
The 6 Most Insane Sex Lives in the Animal Kingdom
No matter how nasty you like to get in your leather-studded Bone Chamber, there are multiple species of the animal kingdom who still put you to shame.
- Authors
- By Jim Yew
- Published
The 6 (Wrong) Questions Men Love to Ask About Women
A lot of times people honestly ask the wrong question without knowing it. Here are some I see guys continually asking about women, along with the question they should be asking if they actually want an answer.
- Authors
- By Christina H
- Published
What Your Condom Choice Says About You [CHART]
If all condoms technically perform the same function--catching ejaculated semen and conveniently storing it for later use--then why are so many varieties available?
- Authors
- By The Association for the Betterment of Sex
- Published