33 Ham-fisted Attempts to Use Sex to Sell Unsexy Products

33 Ham-fisted Attempts to Use Sex to Sell Unsexy Products

Sex sells. Or, more to the point, advertising companies think sex sells. So they try to work the bow-chicka-bow-wow factor into all of their campaigns — even when it makes no sense whatsoever. And these ads are everywhere, from the glitziest Super Bowl ad to the tiniest Netflix thumbnail.

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CRACKEDOO CON For Mewier This 20 10 Thai print ad features a nice pair of voluptuous knees to sell Boots Body Cream. For sexier knees, of course.

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CRACKEDGOM Cheena oos for adult In an effort to sell lollipops to adults, Chupa Chups stuck a sucker stick on called a boob and it a day.

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tryal Salivation. We 8elliepe in ANTONIO FEDERICI gelata Talians Antonio Federici advertised their ice cream products with the image of two priests te
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