22 Wild Stories from People Who Legally Died, Only to Be Resuscitated

‘It hurt in a silent, whole, complete way I can’t describe’
22 Wild Stories from People Who Legally Died, Only to Be Resuscitated

Most of us have no idea what happens when we die, due to the very obvious fact that we’re currently still alive. But a few people have gotten a glimpse of what it’s like to start fading from our world, and there’s no singular consensus on what comes next. For some, it’s a vast darkness, while others see a deceased loved one who is adamant that it’s “not time yet.” 

To that end, Redditors who have died-but-not have offered up what it feels like to almost secure permanent residence on the other side, and what they have to say will send a shiver up your spine.

sfmxkitty 7mo ago My dad died for a couple minutes around 2015. Не said he was driving his truck on the freeway, no traffic, just cruising. Не came to when he heard one of the doctors calling his name. When he passed away five years ago, he was left brain dead. I told him it was okay to go and to just drive his truck. 3.5K ...
bigred450x 2y ago Flat lined for 8 minutes and there was nothing. I didn't even know I was dead until they brought me back. Coming back is the most physical pain I've ever felt. And I've felt a good amount of pain from serious injuries. From my experience I believe there is nothing after death. Share 163 ...
PeachesnPain 7mo ago My dads heart stopped when he had a heart attack and he had to be brought back to life. Не kept the paper copy of the heart monitor which shows he flatlined. Не said he felt an overwhelming sensation of peace, like nothing he had felt before. 7.4K ...
Sorcha9 2y ago It was fuzzy. Like watching a movie that won't focus. Started and ended quickly. I woke up 5 days later in ICU and had been in a coma. Life changing for me. I had been in an abusive relationship for 13 years and I felt free. Focused. Started over and have zero regrets. Took me dying for a few minutes to realize my life was worth living. 134 Share ...
meskor01 2y ago I drowned as a child, and I remember the lead feeling of the water filling my lungs, and the strange, almost blanket warmth that settled on me. Everything went gray, and then black. And I will swear, until i eventually get to find out again, I heard a voice say rest now. It wasn't scary, or evil. It was the most peaceful moment ive ever experienced. I was dead, no heartbeat, for 6 minutes 283 Share ...
Doctor_Quest 2y ago My dad died 4 and a half minutes. Не passed out suddenly during a fancy dinner out with my sister and her husband. My brother in law is a neurosurgeon and did CPR until he woke up. My dad said it felt just like waking up except his chest hurt because he had broken ribs. Share 4K ...
Kyamne 5y ago My uncle died for a few minutes, we received a call from my aunt saying he died and explained that he saw the light, saw the otherside and encountered his mum and uncle. His reply to them was FUCK THAT and literally came back to his body! We got the call an hour after that had happend and he is still going strong to this day. 8 ...
Wide-Lake-763 2y ago Drowning. Once I succumbed, it was just black with no thoughts. No perception of time passing. I have very clear memories of the struggle before I succumbed, and also of being resuscitated (rebreathing the vomit and salt water foam). No thoughts at all between that. 3K Share ...
ikarus189 4y ago It was like nothing. I remember pulling out onto the road that I got hit on, then waking up in ICU a few days later. Clinically dead for a minute and a half. 126 ...
sanibelle98 4y ago I watched my mom die from acute pulmonary edema. She looked me straight in the eye seconds before and said, I'm not afraid. She says she's glad to see me. She was revived and had no memory of what she saw unfortunately. She passed away a year later. 147 ...
 4y ago My mother was dead for over twenty minutes. She said she saw nothing, felt nothing. She only new she'd been dead when she was brought round by the medics in the hospital. As she is a very religious lady it knocked her religious belief for many many years. She now thinks she wasn't supposed to see anything as she feels she would have wanted to stay with those she would have seen like her mother etc. 554 ...
Cycicle 5y ago I wasn't breathing and in the ambulance. I was very scared and in a lot of pain. Then everything started to get blurry and sound became very muffled. As the last sounds faded away and everything started going black, my pain went away and I felt completely calm. My last thought was finally I can rest. The next thing I knew all the pain came rushing back and everything was really bright and loud. I saw nothing and was at peace. 65 ...
 5y ago My mother who had died in the hospital she said it was a deep sleep with total darkness (that says a lot because she is very religious and didnt see the whole 'I saw a light' thing) When she was revived she said I was just sleeping. Leave me alone She was indeed dead and the whole time she thought she was asleep. 75 ...
MoFauxTofu 4y ago | remember getting in the ambulance and I remember getting out. Was completely unaware that I had arrested until I was told some days later. 220 ...
ikarus189 5y ago Motorcycle accident when I was thirteen. I saw nothing. Missing a block of time about an hour before the accident to a week later when I woke up in the hospital. 147 ...
Nyxara в 5y ago My father was declared dead for 8 minutes, he says he saw nothing, just like being asleep but without the dream, no passage of time, simply emptiness 405 ...
Icarus374 4y ago My mother was legally dead for a half an hour due to a cardiac arrest. (As a sidenote, recovery from cardiac arrest after 10 minutes is a 1% chance and decreases exponentially every second after that, so it's really a miracle she survived and with very little brain damage to boot). She remembers a dream in that time where she was headed towards a bridge. On the other side she saw her (deceased) parents smiling and waving. As she approached the bridge, their expressions changed. They didn't want her. My mom explains feeling rejected by her own
1/PLACE IsadorCZ 4y ago It was world of grey and occasional bright color. I was sitting on table and listening to people around me. Their voices were muffled. Then it hit me. I could not move. With corner of my eye i saw black figure sitting no more than 2meters from me. I felt fear and could not move. Then i woke up. Eyes full of blood. Sharp pain. Etc... 205 ...
Sinicalkush 4y ago Total darkness. Like going to sleep with no dreams. Until you are brought back, then searing pain kicks in. I guess its bc the body goes out of shock, and you feel everything. That's what it felt like to me. 795 ...
Mycatbigmomma 4y ago Working in a hospital and taking care of people who have been legally dead and have come back either on their own accord or with CPR, I've heard these people say that they felt like they were falling. They also wake up really confused not remembering the situation. To me it seems like what they experience is close to a dream that you're falling and wake up with a jolt. 3.6K ...
bilbiblib 12y ago Once my heart stopped pumping (I had an undiagnosed arrhythmia at the time). I slowly died while my heart stopped pumping. It hurt. It hurt in a silent, whole, complete way I cannot describe. Everything went dark, I lost my hearing, then black. And then, my heart started again, and I opened my eyes alive. That is it. + 1.4K ...
Hot-Refrigerator6583 . 7mo . ago My spouse was dead for a couple of minutes one miserable night. She maintains that she saw nothing, but only heard people talking about her like through a wall. The only thing she remembers for absolute certain was begging an ER nurse that she didn't want to die. She's quite alive and well today. 1.2K ...


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