Katie Goldin
Yes hello.
A 10th Grader Explains The Civil War To Donald Trump
I feel like Lincoln was bad at his job. Couldn't he have just, like, given the South a Pepsi?
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
How Do You Make A Public Apology? Not Like This
Hey, Jesse Watters. Blowjob mic guy. Can I call you Blowjob Mike? Cool.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
Let's Crunch The Numbers Behind Bill O'Reilly's 'Punishment'
Bill O'Reilly isn't returning to Fox News because he sexually harassed five women. No, he's not returning because of math.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
Predicting Russia's Next Move With A Super Old Book
With the specter of Russia looming in American politics, it might be prudent to find out what exactly Putin wants.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
Hey, Mike Huckabee, About These 'Jokes'...
There's a struggling comedian on Twitter who's been gaining some attention recently.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
How Ann Coulter And Milo Yiannopoulos Are Playing You
It's become your daily morning ritual. Wake up. Open Twitter. And here come's your fix.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Katie Goldin, Jason Pargin, Jack O'Brien
- Published
The Stupidity Of That Motivation Video People Keep Sharing
This video has over eight million views on Facebook, and gives precisely zero helpful advice.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
12 Trump Cabinet Themed Valentines For Kids (You Hate)
Here are a few Valentine's day cards from the Trump administration to you, the American people. Now when they screw us, at least it'll feel romantic!
- Authors
- By Randall Maynard, Katie Goldin
- Published
25 Movies Where The Bad Guy Is Ugly For No Reason
Did you ever notice how every movie villain is just really ugly beyond belief?
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, Katie Goldin
- Published
So Are We Allowed To Just Punch Nazis Now? It’s Complicated
Is it ok to randomly punch a Nazi? This is the question that plunged the Cracked staff into the chaos of relatively polite disagreement.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin, Aaron Kheifets
- Published
9 Ugly Holiday Sweaters That Will Ruin Any Office Party
Some sweaters can put you in a sealed, red HR folder.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
A Handy Field Guide To Spotting Awful World Leaders
Grab your binoculars and look around. You'll see and hear the cawing from a wild politician attempting to have its voice heard, mate, or possibly a combination of both.
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo, Katie Goldin
- Published
The Only Acceptable Reason To Watch The Macy's Parade
If this celebration were to truly embrace its dark side, it may be worth suffering Matt Lauer's smugness to tune in.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
The Dangerous Cult You Didn't Even Know You Were A Part Of
There is a multi-billion-dollar cult, propagated by the Hollywood elite, which preys like an engorged leech on the minds and pocketbooks of people seeking a purpose. And it's not Scientology.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published
10 Offensive Starbucks Cups (If They Had Balls)
Here are some cups people can actually lose their minds over. You're welcome, Starbucks.
- Authors
- By Ian Fortey, Katie Goldin
- Published
16 Clearly Miserable Dogs In Halloween Costumes
Amazon's dog Halloween costume category is a gallery of existential misery.
- Authors
- By Katie Goldin
- Published