Google's Screen Snooper Alert Software Has Dark Potential

I hate screen snoopers. What I do on my phone or computer is between me and my doctor. What are they hoping to catch with their beady little eyes? Do they think they'll see something interesting, like the romantic slashfic between Captain Picard/Mater the truck from Cars that I'm definitely not writing?
So, on one level I really like the idea of this anti-snoop scanner Google is making. Above all else, I value my freedom to privately write about Picard sloppily kissing Mater's tail pipe. But I am still slightly concerned where this technology will take us. Google's motto is "don't be evil," which totally sounds like something a non-evil person would constantly mutter to themselves. Even still, with all the unspeakable power Google now has, how do we know this facial scanning software isn't going to be used as a tool of enslavement?
They know when we're looking at our phones, and more importantly, when we're not. That means Black Mirror horror plots are now possible. Your phone can blare an ad in your face, and require you to watch through the whole thing. "You don't like this ad of a woman smearing burger condiments all over her chest? Aw, well that's a shame, because you're going to have to keep those eyeballs on the screen to watch your YouTube video!" That is the spooky, sexy-condiment-filled future we're looking at.
For more check out What Movie News Should You Know RIGHT NOW (11/26/2017) and What Stupid Thing Is Trending Now? (11/26/2017).
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