
XJ Selman

Timely Quick Fix Researcher, Workshop Moderator and self-published writer.

My list of Quick Fixes (including those I only researched for) can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AowG1nxxx9zcdG9BeHJXOXktaUo2VG0tOF9PN0xYcmc#gid=0

You can check out my science fiction novella, Buried Hope, for $0.99 at Amazon.


And the second installment, Buried Hope II: Dirt Is Dead, here:


And the third installment, Buried Hope III: Monsters In The Mines, here:


I talk about it at xjselman.wordpress.com

Read my stuff, maybe someday I'll get big and you can go hipster and say, "I read XJ Selman before it was cool." Hipsters suck though, so maybe not. Not big like fat, but big like popular. I could do both though if you really wanted it, provided you pay for the spaghetti.

I'm open for any content writing or copy-editing work, and I'm pretty fast about it too. Contact me at xjselman@hotmail.com or visit my blog if you want more details. Or if you wish to yell at me. You're also free to sell it to a spam mail company.

4 Famous Rappers With Depressing Second Careers

It can be pretty difficult to locate your principles when doing a commercial for Hot Pockets or Burger King is the only thing standing between you and an entry-level position at Walmart.


4 More Creepy Mysteries With Really Dumb Explanations

In exchange for the science and technology that afford us quick access to photographs of breasts, humanity has relinquished that sense of slack-jawed wonder that kept us chained to superstitions for so much of human history.

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