Michael Dawson
5 Simple Fixes to Annoying City Problems
We all have a hard time with cities. You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who isn’t complaining about some aspect of their day-to-day city life that could be improved. Sometimes there are solutions.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
4 Beliefs About The 'Good' Old Days That Are Full Of Crap
The problem with the ideal past is that it never really existed. That doesn’t stop people from having beliefs about the old days that are full of crap, though.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
6 Games That Put Absurd Levels Of Work Into Details
You don't think about rocks, but game companies do.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Famous People Who Were Badass War Heroes
Some celebs DON'T suck.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Screwed-Up Operations America Pulled Overseas
The US has done some pretty awful stuff.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Ways Segregation Is Still Alive Today
Not everything is racist. But these things sure are.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
4 'Eco-Friendly' Gadgets That Are Total Scams
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Hilarious Memes With Messed-Up Origins
Sometimes, you're better off not knowing where it came from.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Beloved Childhood Celebs Who Are Secretly Awful
It's time to smash those idols.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Nice-Sounding Government Policies With Secret Racist Origins
The government never does anything out of the kindness of its heart.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Discoveries That Archaeologists Wish They Never Found
Yes, these stories involve some real evil spirits.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Early Controversies That Foreshadowed Today's Terrible Internet
Modern tech problems have been around for basically forever.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
Feels Like Amazon's Turning Homes Into A Dystopian Nightmare
Their new lineup of home defense and nanny robots are as scary as any 'Terminator' film dreams it could be.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Modern Tech Marvels (That Are Older Than You Think)
Technology has brought us a lot of cool stuff, like rocket ships and the computer, and also a bunch of stuff created a century ago.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
6 Beloved Icons With Skeletons In Their Closets
Some people look towards beloved celebrity icons for comfort. Turns out that's the exact wrong place to look.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Economic 'Truths' It May Be Time To Rethink
The economy is pretty much unavoidable and decides the lives of basically everyone. But there are a lot of things about it that people accept as fact, which might not be true at all.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Popular Environmental Beliefs (That Aren't Totally Accurate)
When it comes to becoming better green eco-warriors for Mother Nature, a lot of us have well-intentioned ideas, but a lot of them just flat out don’t work at all.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
6 Awful Things Fans Forgot Celebs Did
It’s easy to put a lot of these people on a pedestal if you choose to ignore the waving red flags.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
5 Terrible Things Happening Under Biden Right Now
Biden's campaign was touted as the most progressive in American history. So, how's that working out for everyone?
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published
4 Lies That Need To Stop Being Spread About 'Bad Neighborhoods'
Crime statistics don't really tell the bigger picture, and that leads to some pretty bad myths ...
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson
- Published