Weird World

5 Real Places Whose Economies Are Based On Insanity
Sometimes industry can influence the local culture in very unpredictable ways.
- Authors
- By Kathy Benjamin
- Published
5 Secret Theme Park Hacks You're Going To Want To Try
- Authors
- By Joe Garcia Jr
- Published
6 Massive Catastrophes You Didn’t Know Happen All The Time
- Authors
- By Zachary Frey
- Published
The Most Awful Things You Know About History (Are WAY Worse)
- Authors
- By E.M. Caris
- Published
15 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped, Part 16
It's time once again for another installment of our most popular feature, in which we find the cream of the internet fakery crop and then explain how it's all totally real.
- Authors
- By Joe Russo
- Published
6 Apocalypse Scenarios That Science Says We're Overdue For
Planet Earth is due for the Roland Emmerich treatment
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
5 Hilariously Specific X-Rated Movie Plots You Never Noticed
Old, faithful cliches have been overtaken by internet age updates, which goes a long way to explaining the appearance of some pretty strange niches.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Marina Reimann
- Published
5 Amusement Park Rides Too Metal For The United States
Most amusement park rides are made of metal, but some rides are just, well, more metal than others.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published
Clever Ways To Easily Survive 7 Famous Fictional Universes
Sometimes, the best ways to survive in a movie universe can be shockingly, almost stupidly obvious.
- Authors
- By Michael Garowee, JM McNab
- Published
5 Foreign School Rules Way Better Than The American Version
There are several ready-made solutions to our many, many educational problems. All we have to do is swallow our pride and let other countries teach us how to become more better at schooling.
- Authors
- By Amanda Mannen
- Published
5 New Products That Seem Amazing Til You Apply Basic Science
We're pretty much living in a porno parody of 'The Jetsons.'
- Authors
- By Geekatroid
- Published
5 Horrifying Ways Old Hollywood Was A Living Hell
Today's Hollywood elite have it easy compared to the stars of your grandparents' and great-grandparents' generations.
- Authors
- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
7 Heroically Dumb Projects The Government Blew Your Taxes On
The people tasked with running our country have wasted so much money over the years on so many stupid things, it's amazing there's anything left to spend.
- Authors
- By Carolyn Burke
- Published
6 Amazing Inventions You're Being Denied For Stupid Reasons
There are some very basic things that are standing in the way of the sci-fi future we were promised.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
17 Briefly Famous People (And Where They Are Now)
There could be a former internet celebrity hiding amongst you this very moment.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published