Cracked's Hiring A New Host/Producer For The Video Team!

It is almost 2021, and what may be remembered as the hardest year of many of our lives is mercifully coming to an end. Will 2021 be better than 2020? It is quite literally too soon to say, but one thing that could make it better is getting a new job working for Cracked. That's right, a full-time, honest-to-God real job as a host/producer for Cracked's video team.
For many of us, Cracked's YouTube channel was our first introduction to the site. From classic shows like After Hours and Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder to utterly insane one-offs that have been lost to time (but not lost to, like, my nightmares), for over a literal decade, Cracked videos have always been some of the best the internet had to offer.
And now we are putting together a team to bring great, new Cracked video content to life. For the past few months, I've held down the fort and laid some groundwork, but it's time for us to expand with people way more talented than myself. Honestly, shouldn't be that tough.
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Cracked is about making the internet just a tiny bit smarter or, failing that, at least a little bit more interesting at parties. Think about it, you could be that sage partygoer who says, "Oh, what's that you're watching? Cars? That movie's okay, but have you ever laid awake at night knowing that all of those happy talking automobiles have experienced the horrors of genocide?"
See? Immediate new friends!
So, if you're at all interested in writing and performing on-camera comedy and taking this crazy experiment to the next level, send us your resume and a few clips of your work. You'll be getting in on the ground floor with us in Cracked's Brooklyn office, and if you want to be a part of it, we're waiting.
And now, a Christmas note:
Hey, I'm Jordan, and I'm the brain housed in the body with the fingers that's typing this. How are you?
According to Love, Actually, Christmastime is when we are honest with our friends' wives and confess we've always loved them. I assume it's also a time to be honest with other people, too.
To that end, I realize I've never properly introduced myself here on the actual site. In 2016, after several years of idolizing from afar, I took the plunge and submitted an article idea. It ran, and I've since written well over 100 other Cracked articles as a freelancer.
Then in March of this year, I shot a pilot episode of a show I called Your Brain On Cracked in my friend Caleb's basement and cold-pitched it to the editors in an awkwardly worded email. They liked it, and in August of this year, they invited me to join the team full-time. Before then, I was a music director at a church secretly stealing the church camera to film myself telling poop jokes to post on the internet.
I'd be lying if I didn't admit I've felt at times extremely intimidated entering into this space. Cracked holds a weirdly special place in my life. I was a fan of this site and these people that built it for nearly a decade before I ever contributed.
In fact, one of the only true "starstruck" moments in my life was when I visited Cracked's L.A. headquarters back in the summer of 2017. I told Cracked I was just "in the area" (you know how people from Virginia are always wandering the Santa Monica Pier on lazy afternoons). I meandered around the offices for awhile until the Daniel O'Brien (a two-time Emmy winner, mind you) came back from a shoot. I introduced myself, but he said he knew who I was. *SWOON*
It is a bit daunting following these actual giants of comedy with little more than a cheap lab coat I bought off Amazon and a stethoscope I cannot for the life of me keep evenly distributed across my shirt. It's a weird situation to be in, but it's one I'm extremely grateful for -- another thing you're supposed to be at Christmas. My goal here is always to introduce a new generation of Cracked fans to this amazing well of hilarious and insightful content created over the years while simultaneously building something for the future.

This is a strange industry I've found myself in, and things are rarely easy, but honestly, isn't that true of most things worth anything? If you're a fan of anything Cracked's made over the past decade and a half, then sincerely, thank you. I hope you know there are real people behind the things you watch and read and from all of us here, you have our sincerest gratitude.
Thanks for hanging with us this far. I'm excited to see where we'll be this time next year. Happy Holidays, and stay safe.
- Jordan Breeding
Feel free to reach out on Twitter.
Top image: Pui Bunny/Shutterstock