Weird World
Weird Behaviors That Everyone's Afraid To Admit To, Part 1
It’s time to find out the answer to the eternal question, ‘is it just me?’
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 People Who Straight Up Survived The Unsurvivable
- Authors
- By E. J. Diaz
- Published
12 Ways We're Saving Animals (Using Sitcom Logic)
- Authors
- By Ivan Farkas, Kevin King
- Published
5 Heartwarming Stories That Are Also Totally Hilarious
- Authors
- By Chris Bucholz
- Published
A City In Florida Keeps Receiving Zombie Alerts
Floridians receive news of pending apocalypse, aren't really bothered.
- Authors
- By Cedric Voets
- Published
Japan's Early Tabloids Were Horrifically Artsy
Some of the country's greatest artists illustrated the most disturbing news stories.
- Authors
- By Cedric Voets
- Published
25 Ways The World Has Gotten Creepier
You know what’s relaxing? Taking a moment to realize how creepy literally everything is.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
13 Amazing Foreign Words We Desperately Need In English
The bad news is, you no longer have an excuse to use the word ‘thingy.’
- Authors
- By Katherine Doorig, ChevySpoons, Andres Diplotti, HappyClown2
- Published
6 Companies That Accidentally Backed Horrible Messages
Here's a look at a few more companies that stupidly stumbled into massive controversies.
- Authors
- By Kelly Stone
- Published
6 Blatant Attempts To Stir Up Completely Unfounded Outrage
A good chunk of the internet these days is nothing but people getting angry about stuff.
- Authors
- By Alex Hanton, Wes Corwin, Steven Assarian, Kel Fabie, E.M. Caris, Zanandi Botes
- Published
21 Debunked Food Myths
You’re going to want to set down your fork for a minute.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
5 Translation Fails That Led To Comedy And Madness
Here are five times translation attempts -- and the humans doing them -- didn't quite nail it.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Huge Crazy Feuds You Had No Clue Were Happening Right Now
Here are a few epically low-key feuds that are so weird, you guys.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
21 Tips For Getting Through The Day At A Sh!tty Job You Hate
Move along, Thurston. These memes aren’t for you.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
Chill. You'll Probably Survive A Plane Crash.
Way more people survive plane crashes than you probably think.
- Authors
- By Cracked Writers
- Published