Weird World

9 Major Stories Everyone Got Wrong This Year
The biggest stories that the media and the internet got the most wrong in 2010.
- Authors
- By Daniel O'Brien, Robert Brockway, Jack O'Brien, Kristi Harrison, Jason Pargin
- Published
5 Real Deleted Bible Scenes In Which Jesus Kicks Some Ass
- Authors
- By Brian Thompson, CRACKED Staff
- Published
How to Choose a Nickname [COMIC]
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
Where Aren't They Now? 13 Overlooked Deaths of 2010
- Authors
- By Lisa Skye
- Published
We Declare War on Christmas: Merry Crackedmas Eve Eve Eve
Watch out Santa. Watch out Rudolph. Crackedmas is coming to town.
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
The 6 Most Terrifying Work Commutes in the World
No matter how bad you think your commute is, there's always someone who has it worse. Here's six of them.
- Authors
- By Rohan Ramakrishnan
- Published
5 Creepy Christmas Traditions from Around the World
Everyone has different Christmas traditions: Some of us decorate trees, some of us drink egg-nog, some of us eat fruitcake, and some of us cover ourselves in feces, threaten to murder our children, and foster racism in their hearts.
- Authors
- By Thomas Calnan
- Published
5 Silver Linings Now That Your Flight Has Been Delayed
With the skies growing more crowded every year, and the airlines losing their sense of shame every day, flight delays have gone from being a rare event to a reliable nuisance for anyone who chooses to travel by air.
- Authors
- By Chris Bucholz
- Published
The 12 Most Unintentionally Disturbing Christmas Ads
These ads seem to want nothing to do with cheer and goodwill, but rather to unsettle you someplace deep in your soul, so that you will never be 'right' again.
- Authors
- By Diana McCallum
- Published
5 Ridiculous Things You Probably Believe About Islam
In the same way that not all Christians are Young Earth Creationists, plenty of modern Muslims see room for interpretation in the Quran.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
5 Insane Barack Obama Comic Books You Won't Believe are Real
The comics industry's intense obsession with Barack Obama has provided us with some bizarre, baffling and sometimes even disturbing stories.
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok
- Published
How to Brace Yourself for Bad News [COMIC]
There's a proactive way to do it.
- Authors
- By Scott Meyer
- Published
10 Mind-Blowing Easter Eggs Hidden in Famous Albums
It's almost like Jimi Hendrix knew the internet would be invented, and that the music fans who hang out there would have way too much time on our hands
- Authors
- By Maxwell Yezpitelok, M. Asher Cantrell
- Published