Weird World

7 Fan Works So Good They Were Adopted By The Creators
It turns out there are times when a fan ascends from the unwashed masses and presents a completely self-made work that kicks the original's ass.
- Authors
- By Tara Marie
- Published
11 Bootleg Toys That Are Completely Insane
- Authors
- By Ian Ury, Chris Rio, Steve Athens, Vicki Veritas
- Published
6 Epic Crime Sprees That Shouldn't Have Been Possible
- Authors
- By Zachary Frey
- Published
29 Thrilling Life Experiences
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
8 Iconic Characters That Were Originally Insane
It turns out that even our most beloved fictional characters went through phases in which you'd barely recognize them.
- Authors
- By Ian Ury, Timo Laine, B.T. Doran, Vicki Veritas
- Published
5 Unbelievable Ways Rich Assholes Get To Cheat Through Life
Some filthy rich people don't horde their cash or flaunt it as a status symbol, so much as they use it as a dirty green cheat code.
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
5 Problems In The Background Of Every Superhero Movie
If the whole world was super, nothing would be.
- Authors
- By Alec Jacobs
- Published
5 Insane (Yet Satisfying) Ways Jilted Lovers Got Revenge
Sometimes taking sweet revenge is a work of true art.
- Authors
- By Diyar Akar
- Published
6 Famous People With Shocking Criminal Backgrounds
It turns out some of our most beloved actors, singers, and reality TV stars actually started out as hardened criminals.
- Authors
- By Aaron Short
- Published
6 School Field Trips That Quickly Went Horribly Wrong
All these kids learned was that the universe is pointless horror, and knowledge itself is a sham drummed up by the greeting card companies.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
5 Jobs You Think Are For Losers (That Pay Six Figures)
Why bother with all that education crap when you can skip school altogether and do some crap work for great pay?
- Authors
- By Vicki Veritas, David D
- Published
5 Shocking Backstories Of Your Favorite Foods
As all of you know, history is an unrelenting parade of horror and depravity. Why should the history of food be any different?
- Authors
- By Blair Dodge, Matthew Moffitt
- Published
20 Double Standards Society Keeps Tricking Us Into Believing
We like to think that we're pretty progressive with this whole 'human race' experiment thing we're doing. Enter the double standard to prove that notion false.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Insane Company Handbooks You Won't Believe Actually Exist
Manuals have to be the least-read pieces of text in the world. Which is too bad, because it turns out they're a gold mine for insanity.
- Authors
- By Cedric Voets
- Published
The 6 Most Horrifying Pets We've Bred Into Existence
For creating the following 'Pokemon' rejects, we shall soon pay for our hubris.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Mandy Gardner
- Published