My Very Gonzo Life

A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets

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22 Facts Disney Doesn't Want Out There


Disney likes to pretend it's all cute rodents, happy cartoons, and puke-stained amusements parks. But underneath that veneer of fun and joy exists something darker.

With the help of the Minnie to our Mickey, AuntieMeme, we present to you some disturbing facts about the happiest place on earth.

Entry by AM Smiley

The Fluke, The Little who is the Duke of Soul Mermaid, (yeah) released in 1989, had some surprisingly racist fish, Under the The Blackfish, who sings

Entry by AM Smiley

22 Facts Disney Doesn't Want Out There

Entry by AM Smiley

22 Facts Disney Doesn't Want Out There

Entry by AM Smiley

Staffers at the Haunted Mlansion rides at Disney Sn ULLIILETE Darks have to be conSTanlly on te lookout for Deople dumping aShES. Apparently being the

Entry by AM Smiley

At least 35 Disney World employees have been arrested since 2006 and accused of sex crimes involving children, trying to meet a minor for sex, or for

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