34 Ridiculous Myths Some Absolute Buffoons Might Go an Entire Lifetime Believing

34 Ridiculous Myths Some Absolute Buffoons Might Go an Entire Lifetime Believing

Hey, everybody! This guy still believes that only 300 Spartans defended the pass of the Thermopylae! We just learned that that wasn’t the case about 10 seconds ago, so ha! Its just that 300 is a much better movie title than 7,000. And in this guys defense, there were 300 Spartans. They just happened to be joined by a bunch of other groups which, all tallied up, amounted to about 7,000 Greeks.

Whew! That was a close one. You can see how myths and misconceptions get perpetuated, right? Well, perpetuate no more! The buck stops here!

NEANDERTHALS WERE NOT DIM-WITTED. They were capable of complex thought, communication, and sophisticated technology. And they bred with modern humans. CRACKED.COM


You Use 10% Of Your Brain CRACKED.COM This fact, a favorite of blacklight poster owners everywhere, isn't true. Though the neurons that actually do the thinking make up only 10% of your brain, the other 90% of white matter is very much active... and required. If you don't believe us, try removing it!* *please don't.


Ancient Flat Earth Beliefs CRACKED.COM We like to think that people have only known the earth was round since Columbus didn't fall off. But the Greeks not only knew it, they even calculated its circumference. Which means flat-earthers could travel to 500 BC and still be considered dumb.


MYTH: CONDOMS ARe 98% eFFeCTIve. FACT: THeY'Re JUST 82% eFFeCTIve OVERALL. They're 98% effective at preventing pregnancy when used perfectly. That means examining condoms for faults, squeezing the tip, using the right lube, and removing it while still erect. Factor in errors, and the failure rate jumps from 2% to 18%. CRACKED.COM


Medieval Lifespan i'm fine CRACKED.COM No, medieval people didn't all die before the age of 40. The average lifespan from that time is just that: an average. One that's heavily skewed by high child mortality rates. Plenty of people lived well past 30, allowing them to fully appreciate Steely Dan.


Death By Penny Drop agh GRACKED.COM No, dropping a penny off the Empire State Building won't kill someone, 6th grade bully on a field trip. Thanks to drag, that penny would top out at 25 miles per hour. Real New Yorkers know it's the lazily installed window A/C units you have to look out for.


MYTH: TWINKIES WILL LAST FOREVER, GUYS! EXPIRATION DATE: NEVER FACT: THEY ACTUALLY LAST ABOUT A monTH. The urban legend goes that Twinkies aren't made of real ingredients, and because of that they will last for over 20 years. The truth is that they contain flour, sugar, corn syrup, water, shortening, and eggs. Just like a regular cake. On top of that, they contain additives to make them moister and extend their shelf life-to about 25 days. CRACKED.COM http://www.snopes com/food/ingredient/twinkies.asp


MYTH: DIETING? YOU SHOULD eAT CALORIE- BURNING FOODS. 80 Pd 100 FACT: THERE'S no SUCH THING. So-called negative calorie foods tend to be some sort of fruit or vegetable that supposedly contains fewer calories than it takes to digest it. But the calories your body burns in fueling the digestive cycle are minuscule compared with the calories in the food itself. Even chewing, and even celery. CRACKED.COM content ime.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804 1896439_1896359_1896346,00.html


MYTH: SHAVING MAKES HAIR GROW B BACK THICKER. CRACKED.COM If shaving made your hair grow back faster and thicker, every teenage boy would look like Paul Bunyan. The reason this myth persists is because hair tapers as it grows, and when you cut it back you see the wider bottom portion.


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