Dan Hopper
Editor for Cracked, formerly CollegeHumor, Best Week Ever.tv, AIM Profiles
5 Insanely Dark Messages In Classic Video Games (You Missed)
The technology available to old-school video games didn't leave a lot of room for nuance. Which is good considering the few times retro games dove into ethically murky waters and came back up with ...
- Authors
- By Tiago Svn, Dan Hopper
- Published
Why Beethoven Is The Most Screwed Up Family Movie Ever Made
If you decide you want to devote a weekend to ruining your own sanity, settle in for a marathon of dog movies on Netflix.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Insanely Topical Movie Lines (That Are Now Just Confusing)
Centuries from now, our grandchildren's grandchildren will be watching beautiful people erotically waterboard one another on the beach, and they'll have no clue where it came from.
- Authors
- By Rani Baker, Wes Corwin, James Kinneen, Dan Hopper
- Published
How The Actual 'Spoiled Elite' Try To Silence Helpful Celebs
Calling celebrities and athletes out as spoiled and elite because they have an opinion is so thunderously, nakedly stupid.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
The 1 Personality Type Hollywood Doesn't Think Deserves Love
Hollywood has done its damnedest to cover all of its bases when it comes to people falling in love. But if you're not 'spontaneous' apparently you're still screwed.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
7 Secret Tricks Movies Use To Convince You They're Mad Deep
These are the equivalent of wearing glasses when you don't need them and using fancy words you don't know the meaning of.
- Authors
- By Saikat Bhowmik, Jordan Breeding, Dan Hopper, Avery Hayden Pierce
- Published
8 Stories That Show Exactly How The Media Hates Millennials
If you believed media headlines, there's no logic to millennial behavior. They just want to watch the world burn. (Or maybe they don't.)
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper, David Klesh, Adam Schwallie
- Published
5 Simple Questions That Make The Internet Destroy Itself
We're guessing there's more than a few of you who don't get invited to pizza night any more because you prefer yours with pineapple.
- Authors
- By Mike Bedard, Dan Hopper, David Klesh, James Netter, Adam Schwallie
- Published
5 Pairs Of Characters You Didn't Realize Were The Same Guy
Sorry, Mel Gibson, but Leslie Nielsen pulled off a far better version of 'The Patriot' decades before you did.
- Authors
- By Nathan Kamal, Mike Bedard, Dan Hopper, James Netter
- Published
The Most Unexpectedly Annoying Aspect Of Getting Married
The F-word is a blaring small-talk siren that forces seemingly reasonable people to forget whatever they were just doing and start reciting the 'Basic Wedding' questionnaire.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
6 Bafflingly Ludicrous Moments Implied By Movies
What's the water cooler talk like the day after the Purge?
- Authors
- By James Kinneen, Jordan Breeding, Dan Hopper
- Published
Can We Please Launch These People Into The Sun?
Being uniformly unfazed by everything is the single most annoying mindset in existence.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
5 Movies That Are 99% Harmless And 1% Horrifying
Turns out movies like 'Fried Green Tomatoes' and 'Cocktail' are a lot more sinister and depressing than we first thought.
- Authors
- By Nathan Kamal, Dan Hopper
- Published
The 5 Disappointing Ways Game Of Thrones Could Possibly End
What is it, exactly, that we want out of these final two seasons?
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
Hey It's Me, The One Guy Who Footloose Turned Against Trump
While there's a depressing lack of Kevin Bacon involved here, the central anti-authority message of 'Footloose' is still holding strong.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
6 Sci-Fi Movie Technologies That Went Stupidly Backwards
You can keep your junk, sci-fi future.
- Authors
- By Nathan Kamal, Jordan Breeding, Dan Hopper
- Published
Trump Is Now Bombing Countries Like It's Viral Marketing
As told by Zack Zackerson, Head Social Media Guru / Virality Ninja of the social media startup ClymbEr.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published
Why We Keep Accidentally Making A Perfect Case For War
Nothing feels better than putting a bully in his place, and the people who release these stories to the press know it.
- Authors
- By Dan Hopper
- Published