Michael Swaim
I write here sometimes. Also make videos. I also do that one (the videos one) at my own site, Those Aren't Muskets! (www.thosearentmuskets.com). I also do a lot of other stuff, but it's not as directly applicable to the Internet, and I feel like that's what you're probably most interested in. I often shave.
How Vonnegut Wrote The Happiest Apocalypse Novel Ever
The apocalypse, a pair of neanderthal-like twins, and an army of miniaturized Chinese soldiers on Mars.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim
- Published
24 Huge Historical Events That Were Secret Keggers
Even though drugs and alcohol have been a social lubricant since before we could write anything down, we like to think of history as this boring, stuffy museum exhibit where kings and queens drank iced tea, ate flavorless biscuits and had sex like our parents did (they've never had sex!).
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Carmen Angelica, Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien
- Published
More Simpsons Writer's Room Stories (From A Simpsons Writer)
Dana Gould is one of comedy's *that guys*.
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, Michael Swaim
- Published
Kurt Vonnegut Book Club: Wampeters, Foma and Granfalloons
As our nation slowly descends into a Trump-related dystopian nightmare, one can't help but wonder what some of the great writers and thinkers who are no longer with us would have thought.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim
- Published
23 Movie Master Plans That Make Zero Sense
The term 'movie magic' typically refers to the technical brilliance of bringing dinosaurs to life onscreen or how Denzel Washington can make an entire theatre of men and women pregnant with a single knowing glance.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, David Christopher Bell, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Kurt Vonnegut Gets Trippy In 'Breakfast of Champions'
You wouldn't expect a novel full of anus and vagina drawings to break your heart, but 'Breakfast of Champions' does just that.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim
- Published
Simple Concepts Humans Developed Surprisingly Recently
Nowadays, there's a huge emphasis on eating natural foods.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien, Teresa Lee
- Published
The Shockingly Recent Race Riot You've Never Heard Of
A brief glance at the cartoon version of America makes you think the South is pretty racist.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Analyzing Kurt Vonnegut's Overlooked Playwriting
Kurt Vonnegut: Soldier, Writer, Man, Secret Drama Nerd.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Time Is A Flat Circle In Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five
Kurt Vonnegut died in 2007. And so it goes.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Why Your Ancient Ancestors Had Better Sex Than You
When you think about ancient human history, you probably think about sex, right?
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, Teresa Lee
- Published
25 Movies Where The Bad Guy Is Ugly For No Reason
Did you ever notice how every movie villain is just really ugly beyond belief?
- Authors
- By Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim, Katie Goldin
- Published
Why Russia Is Insane (And Starting To Look Familiar)
If you've followed the news recently, you may have noticed the tiny little superpower Sarah Palin can see from her house has emerged from its slumber and re-injected itself into American politics.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Jack O'Brien, Michael Swaim
- Published
Rapid-Fire Book Reports For 25 Vonnegut Short Stories
Science-fiction authors don't get to feel like rock stars very often.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Kurt Vonnegut's Prescient Novel About Economic Inequality
Worldwide income disparity got you down?
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim
- Published
Vonnegut's Novel About Religion, Apocalypse And Foot Rubbing
Cat's Cradle is a book that sits in rare company with your Great Gatsbys and Catchers in the Rye as one of the few pieces of required reading from high school that everyone actually liked.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim
- Published
14 Psych Myths We Learned From Movies That Are Totally False
It's pretty safe to say that after years of Sherlock Holmes adaptations and countless CBS crime procedurals, most people with a pretty steady diet of TV and movies think they're pretty good armchair psychologists.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Daniel O'Brien, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Kurt Vonnegut's All Too Timely Novel About Accidental Nazis
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim
- Published
Kurt Vonnegut's Take On '1984'
You're probably familiar with Kurt Vonnegut's required reading, or rather the Kurt Vonnegut books your high school English teacher required you to read.
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Michael Swaim, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Inside One Of America’s Most Brilliant Minds
We have a lot to say about Kurt Vonnegut.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Alex Schmidt
- Published