David Christopher Bell
Editor. Researcher. I'm pretty good at watching movies.
I've done stuff over at Film School Rejects.
6 Movie Plot Holes You Never Noticed Thanks to Editing
The casual jump from A to B is often used as a writer's crutch to gloss over the stuff they didn't have the time to think through -- little things like 'continuity,' 'logic' and 'whether or not our protagonist just did some accidental murder.'
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Technologies Conspicuously Absent from Sci-Fi Movies
To make sci-fi stories work, the writers often have to add completely arbitrary and pointless limitations to whatever futuristic technology turns up. But in the name of plot and drama, they sometimes wind up giving the people of the distant future gear that doesn't even work as well as ours does now, in the boring old present.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Myths About Famous Places You Believe (Thanks to Movies)
Surprise, surprise: Hollywood fails to do its homework. Again.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
8 Movie Special Effects You Didn't Know Weren't CGI: Classic
Let's stop and appreciate these mind-blowing scenes that were done the old-fashioned way -- with stunts, models and borderline insanity.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Movie Guardians Who Shouldn't Be Allowed Near Children
Movies need excitement, sure, but all too often do see a child ending up in a dire circumstance for no reason other than that the grown-ups don't seem to give a damn.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
6 Artists You Didn't Know Made Your Favorite Movie Moments
The point when everybody gets bored during the Academy Awards is when they give out all of those technical awards to people you've never heard of. Surprisingly, though, you're fans of some of these people. Hug fans, in some cases. You just didn't know it.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
5 Reasons Anyone Could Defeat the CIA in the Bourne Trilogy
You can inject new life into virtually any film or franchise by watching it again, only this time rooting for the bad guys. Really think through the scenario from their angle, and try to break down how they go about taking on the hero. More often than not, you'll find yourself scratching your head, or outright screaming at the screen.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published
7 Movie Badasses (Who Completely Fail To Deliver)
Often when it comes that time for a movie badass to live up to his title, he just ends up being profoundly disappointing.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell, CRACKED Staff
- Published
The 6 Most Inexplicable Skills Displayed in Action Movies
But sometimes action movies take annoying liberties, showing everyday dudes doing things that, in the real world, take weeks or months to learn. And damn it, we're not just going to let them get away with it.
- Authors
- By David Christopher Bell
- Published