Cody Johnston
Hi. I used to work here.
Cracked Mailbag
Cracked's Daniel O'Brien and Cody Johnston take your questions every Friday on Cracked Mailbag.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston, Daniel O'Brien
- Published
All The Insane News Donald Trump Stopped You From Noticing
The news: if you’ve read it since the fall of 2015, it’s been nothing but Donald Trump stories, and Opponent Of Donald Trump stories, and the sports section (which is also kind of Trump news).
- Authors
- By Alex Schmidt, Katie Goldin, Cody Johnston
- Published
5 Ways Donald Trump's Lies Are Trying To Break Your Brain
Congratulations: you’ve survived several months of a Donald Trump presidency.
- Authors
- By Seanbaby, Alex Schmidt, Cody Johnston
- Published
Cracked Movie Club: Inception
In 2010, Christopher Nolan pissed off Batman fans around the world by taking a break in between Dark Knight movies to make an original film about dream thieves
- Authors
- By Tom Reimann, Cody Johnston, Abe Epperson
- Published
What Every Year-In-Review Is Totally Missing This Year
2016 is almost over.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston, Jack O'Brien, Daniel O'Brien, Alex Schmidt
- Published
Why Humanity Is Doomed To Fight Over Insignificant Problems
Sorry to get personal, but which way do you wipe?
- Authors
- By Soren Bowie, Cody Johnston, Michael Swaim
- Published
Why Cats And Dogs Are Way More Interesting Than You Think
Ever since we started letting friendly wolves and tiny tigers into our homes a few thousand years ago, society has been split into two camps: dog people and cat people.
- Authors
- By Carmen Angelica, Alex Schmidt, Daniel O'Brien, Cody Johnston, Jack O'Brien
- Published
Miley Cyrus's Current Mood Is A Photoshop I Did 7 Years Ago
A few days ago, Miley Cyrus posted a photo to Instagram. It's a photo that I poorly Photoshopped on purpose seven years ago for my first column here at Cracked.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
15 Movies Completely Changed From An Alternate Perspective
Most disaster movies make cannon fodder out of almost every single living person on the planet who isn't a president, a fighter pilot, or the one scientist who has the key to solving the alien/meteor/whatever problem.
Inexplicable Movie Tropes That Make No Sense
Our main bread and butter at Cracked is pointing out the little things in movies that either brainwash our society as a whole or are just simply so overused that they annoy the bloody hell out of us.
- Authors
- By Soren Bowie, Jack O'Brien, Cody Johnston, Michael Swaim, Daniel O'Brien
- Published
'Entourage' Is So Bad Pirates Don't Want To Steal It
Yo, does anyone know where I can find this?
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
13 Crazy Fan Theories the Internet Invented
As we've previously covered on the site, before JK Rowling had even finished the 'Harry Potter' books, an interesting fan theory started popping up on Potterverse fansites.
- Authors
- By Michael Swaim, Daniel O'Brien, Jack O'Brien, Adam Tod Brown, Soren Bowie, Alex Schmidt, Cody Johnston
- Published
7 Important Details Nobody Mentions About Ferguson
That business down in #Ferguson sure is Loonytown USA right now, yeah?
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
4 Reasons 'Viral' Content Stopped Mattering in 2013
Everyone tried so hard to go 'viral' that the word barely has any meaning anymore.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
22 Stories We Can't Believe BuzzFeed Hasn't Written Yet
It's a slippery slope from here for BuzzFeed.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
The 6 Most Unintentionally Hilarious Celebrity Instagrams
I thought it'd be fun to use celebrities' Instagrams to reveal some harsh truths about them.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
14 Bizarre Scenarios That Are Way Too Common in Stock Photos
As a stock photo myself, I am taking it upon myself to explain my fellow stock photos to you.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
If George Lucas Directed NBC's Olympic Coverage
We'd certainly have a lot of ethnic stereotypes.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published
5 Reasons You Should Be Excited About Mars Today
This evening at about 10:30 PST, something pretty incredible will likely occur, and it has nothing to do with the Olympics.
- Authors
- By Cody Johnston
- Published