Weird World

5 Awesome Vigilantes Who Solved Crimes Better Than the Cops
Look, we're not saying that you should spend your spare time confronting violent criminals -- it ends badly more often than not. We're just saying that it's awesome when it works.
- Authors
- By Juan Arteaga, Tracy V.
- Published
The 5 Most Impressive Things Built by One Obsessive Person
- Authors
- By Jonathan D. Pearl
- Published
Cracked Round-Up: Write For Us, You Bastards Edition
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
The 6 Manliest Ways People Still Hunt for Food
- Authors
- By Andrew Munro
- Published
Write for Cracked and Get Paid (in Money)
If you want to get paid to write for Cracked, you can. Right now. No experience necessary.
- Authors
- By Adam Tod Brown
- Published
8 Cheap Ways to Fake Being a Pro Chef
Even if you're starting from zero (perhaps especially so), here is the ultimate list of insider tools that'll make you better than Chef Boyardee.
- Authors
- By Tim Ferriss
- Published
6 Little-Known Driving Tips That Could Save Your Life
If you're reading this, hopefully it means that you are intent on doing what it takes to survive in a world full of bad drivers by being just a little more careful.
- Authors
- By Ajay Kumar
- Published
5 Inspiring True Stories For Anyone Feeling Cynical Today
Spending too much time on the Internet is a surefire way to become hopelessly cynical, but we know there's a tiny glimmer of idealism burning away inside you. It's worth it to take some time every now and again to remind yourself that it's there.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
6 Baffling Modern-Day Disasters of Biblical Proportions
The disasters that happened in the Bible tended to be weird and they just don't happen any more. (Well ... almost.)
- Authors
- By Colin Rowe
- Published
The 5 Ballsiest Double-Crosses Ever Pulled Off
Some people turn betrayal into an art form, screwing over those who trusted them in ways so unbelievably insane that we can't help feeling a little bit of admiration for these guys ...
- Authors
- By Ryan J.
- Published
6 Insane Superstitions That Are Still Shockingly Influential
Maybe you're a totally rational human being who also happens to believe in alien abductions, ghost kidnappings or yeti carjackings. That's OK. You're not alone. Why, sometimes even courts and governments blur the line between reality and bullshit.
- Authors
- By Jesse Clark, Steve Hanley
- Published
5 Secret Languages That Stuck It to the Man
We told you about how old-time criminals invented a bunch of the slang you use today. Well, turns out they aren't the only ones with their own language.
- Authors
- By C. Coville, Karl Smallwood
- Published
The 6 Most Spectacularly Failed Attempts to Look Cool
No one likes a showoff. Not even fate, apparently -- because every once in a while it sees fit to prick someone's inflated ego balloon with its embarrassment needle, resulting in a spectacular backfire like ...
- Authors
- By Chris Fox
- Published