13 Myths Created And Spread By The Marketing Industry

It's no secret that marketing has been around since the dawn of time. From the ancient Egyptians to the modern day, marketing has been used to influence our decisions and shape our beliefs. But what many people might not realize is that the marketing industry has created and spread many myths over the years in order to make money. In this list, we'll explore 13 of the most common myths created and spread by the marketing industry. 

From the two minutes it takes to pour the perfect pint of Guinness, to the idea that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, to the notion that military grade equipment is reliable and durable, these myths have been around for years and have been used to manipulate our emotions and our pocketbooks. From the clever marketing ploy of J.K. Rowling, to the Pledge of Allegiance, to the manipulation of fear by drug companies, they've also shaped our society and our beliefs. 

So read on to learn more about these myths and how they've been used to influence us over the years.

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Breakfast: Not as important as cereal companies say.

The Atlantic 

De Beers: Manipulating hearts since the 1800s.

The Atlantic 

Exploiting fear for profit.


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