13 Now-You-Know Facts About Ancient Egypt (They Didn’t Teach At School)

13 Now-You-Know Facts About Ancient Egypt (They Didn’t Teach At School)

Ancient Egypt isn’t just mummies and pyramids. There’s also cats (so many cats), geeky stuff like the D20, and political fragmentation. In a way, it was the internet of the Ancient World. Here’s more:

We can thank Ancient Egypt for the existence of the humble, beloved D20 die. 7 12 2 8 8 OI S 14 2 20 4 6. ey OI 8 L S PMC Well, in a sense - what's probably the world's oldest D20 die, over 2,000 years old, was found in Egypt. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Ancient Egyptians mummified cats so they could follow people in death. Plus, cats represented gods, and gods were happy to get, uh, offerings of cats. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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