12 Movie Productions That Bent The Rules (Or Completely Obliterated Them)

Warner Bros. Pictures, Columbia Pictures

Something about making a movie has filmmakers thinking they’re above the law. Their vision trumps all, and they can end up doing some questionable shit to get the shot. Maybe the pressure to produce a high quality product in a timely fashion gets the better of them, and the thought of spending millions of someone else’s dollars causes some pretty in-the-moment, downright illegal decision making. Our anxiety is through the roof just thinking about it, but come on guys, let’s not endanger (or even lose) lives in the process. 

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We can glorify old Hollywood all we want. The golden age of filmmaking if you will. But looking back at the savagery involved, we can definitely see why unions, regulations, and permits had to be enforced. You filmmakers might think that what you do is the most important thing on the planet, but at the end of the day, you’re pointing a camera at grown ass people playing make believe. So calm down and act right. Here are 12 movie productions that bent and/or completely broke the law. 

Don’t waste money on that fog machine, fellas.


Screen Rant

Copy & Paste, movie style.

Europe Communications S.R.L.

Screen Rant

You want realism? I’ll show you realism!

Irish Screen, Fruit Salad Films


Unions exist for a reason, people.

Warner Bros. Pictures


The film itself is illegal. Sorry, we know it’s “not a film,” but you know…

Jafar Panahi Film Productions

The Guardian

Like Mike Tyson, ‘Escape From Tomorrow’ is going to Disneyland.

Mankurt Media

The Verge

Man, Hitchcock was a complete psycho.

Universal Pictures


What did you expect from a college party movie with John Belushi?

Universal Pictures


The now-iconic ’Alien 3’ scene wouldn’t have happened legally.

20th Century Studios

Daily Hind News

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