13 Unforgivably Tasteless Stunts from Television History


Whether or not live TV producers were meaning to capture some shameful shit, once they did, that ratings spike had them craving more! Exploitation for the win! Real people’s real-life anguish had them foaming at the mouth, and for the most part, we were thrilled to be along for the ride. Some of these reality and talk show guests made us feel pretty damn good about our own not-so-dumpster fiery lives, but as the trashy TV arms race heated up, we found (and fully crossed) “the line.” We didn’t think this realm had a line, but it was there. It was just a lot further than the scripted TV line. 

We like to give the FCC a ton of shit for sensitivity in the censorship game, and we can’t believe we’re even saying this, but after this list, you might appreciate their input. Without them, who knows what kind of despicable trash producers would pump out in the name of ratings. Especially when it involves kids! To summon our inner Helen Lovejoy, “Won’t somebody please think of the children?!” Let us know if you agree after these 13 unforgivably tasteless stunts from TV history.

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The most unforgivable sandbagging of all time.


Ellen was terrible way before you thought!

Source / Variety 

Explain the real-world application!


That’s not the way we debate around here, son!

Source / Variety 

It’s not incest per se, but it crosses some kind of line for sure.


Death in the family eh? Great angle!


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