Come on guys, you’re making it way too easy for sleazy entertainment reporters everywhere! Cus hey, even if us regular Joe nobodies committed these crimes, they’d get some media attention. You already famous people are newsworthy for your brunch choices, so crimes like these are every media outlet's wet dream. Like, wet ink… Being printed in newspapers. Oh, you thought we meant… Ew, gross! 

Maybe celebrities really are like the rest of us. They’re not exempt from making godawful, life-ruining decisions here and there. It’s easy to put them on a pedestal, like they live in a realm far from the nitty gritty, but here we are. Hmm, it’s almost as if artistic abilities like acting and singing have absolutely nothing to do with good decision making. We all know of these crimes, and that regular people regularly commit them, but it’s just a little extra jarring when you hear of, say, Reese Witherspoon being arrested for one. Jarred enough, yet? If not, maybe these 12 eye-popping celebrity crimes will jar the trick.

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See dear, if you would have just studied, Mommy wouldn’t have been arrested.

BBC / LA Times 

She couldn’t just be happy with a successful acting career?!

NY Times / Variety 

He was in his 20s at the time, so… Maybe just have your license on you, Bill.

News 18 / PC Gamer 

The Fast and the Drunkenly Furious


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