12 Fictional Rivalries That Actually Have a Clear Winner

Warner Bros, Columbia Pictures

Man, do we love a bangin’ rivalry. Great movies and TV shows are jam packed with them for a reason. With a clash of ideologies, a battle for power, or a personal vendetta, fictional rivalries inject intensity and drama into our favorite stories. And what better way to have a protagonist overcome some odds than a head to head battle with an evil foe? 

That all sounded a tad too serious for the much more comedic, cartoonish rivalries we’ve gathered here today.

Who doesn’t love a true David vs. Goliath underdog story? Trust us, we’re all about them, but a second glance made us wonder… Was there any realism in these bouts, or would Goliath clearly pummel David? David was just a scrawny little teenager when he took down that beastly Goliath, so could he really have slung a rock hard enough to kill him? We might never know. All we can tell you is that, by our humble judgments, these 12 fictional rivalries should have had a clear winner. 

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Think of all the money he’d save on Acme products.

Warner Bros.

10,000 Birds

That gold jacket would've been Shooter’s for sure.

Universal Pictures


Even Ralph Macchio agreed… Daniel clearly would’ve been disqualified!

Columbia Pictures

The Wrap

The many failures of Michael Myers.

Universal Pictures 


You gotta be pretty dumb if these morons can getcha.

New Line Cinema


We get it, because “ice” is in the name.



Nobody wants to admit it, but…

20th Century Studios


The Ghostbusters should have died saving NYC.

Columbia Pictures

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