15 Fictional Games We'd Like to Nominate for the 2024 Olympics

So, we just have to sit on our couches and watch our favorite characters play some new, exciting game they just made up?! No, thank you! Maybe some kids are satisfied watching world class gamers play video games on YouTube (for hours on end) instead of picking up a paddle and actually playing, but we’re no spectators. Pass the dutchie, you fictional game developers! 

There’s been so many good ones too. And now that we think of it, why do so many movies and TV shows create their own fictional games?! Are they dissatisfied with every real game on Earth, or was it a copyright infringement issue? Either way… Companies ‘round the world should be pining for the chance to produce a real world version of these games. Or better yet… The International Olympic Committee should deem them worthy of a worldwide competition. And because we know one or more of those committee members are reading this list, here are 13 fictional games that we’d like to nominate for the 2024 Olympics. Your move, IOC!

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Futuristic Laser Golf Baseball with Tarantulas? We’re in!


That Olympic stadium would get demolished! Let’s go!

Youtube / Hubpages 

Hear that, Olympics, there’s a physical challenge!

Youtube / IMDB 

The rules are never truly explained but they look like they’re having a blast!


There’s just a lot going on here. Maybe the real Olympics can help organize it.

Youtube / Bustle 

Marshall thinks Backgammon sucks, but the name is good enough.

Fandom / Youtube 

The nerds got a hold of a classic.


The rules are pretty self-explanatory.


It’d be pretty sweet if the Olympics just made up a game’s rules on the spot.


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