My Very Gonzo Life

A conversation with Dave Goelz, the man who for nearly 50 years has served as the voice and puppeteer of Gonzo — the pain-loving, dare-deviling, chicken-dating, Charles Dickens-impersonating, furry blue star of the Muppets

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If Classic Holiday Movies Got Gritty Reboots


The Hollywood reboot machine has gotten its sticky hands all over some pretty uncomfortable places, but so far they've left holiday movies relatively untouched. We asked you to show us what will happen when they decide to right that wrong, and start giving us dark, gritty versions of holiday classics.

The winner is below, but first the runners up ...

Look into your crystal ball and show us the most shocking/surprising news stories and scandals of 2011 that no one will see coming. The best entry gets $50.

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