Xavier Jackson
5 Insane Strategies That Won Elections (and Changed History)
Sometimes, just sometimes, a politician gleefully ignores all the conventional weaponry and wins the battle by slapping the enemy down with the rubber chicken of nsanity.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Evan V. Symon , Micah Duke
- Published
5 Horrifying Ways the Universe Has Repaid Good Deeds
Sometimes karma just decides to take a holiday and leaves us to sort ourselves out.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Hilarious Pranks Pulled by Soldiers in the Middle of War
The horrific history of warfare is littered with wacky pranks that are alternately admirable and utterly insane.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published
The 5 Most Badass Movie Scenes That Happened in Real Life
Sometimes, real life does in fact resemble a Michael Bay movie, only minus the giant robots (usually).
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
The 6 Most Embarrassing War Stories of All Time
Here are a few instances of people stepping onstage in the military theater and splitting their pants in front of everyone.
- Authors
- By Richy Craven, Xavier Jackson, Dustin Koski
- Published
8 Ordinary Photos Hiding Mind-Blowing Details
Sometimes a photo that looks completely boring and mundane at first glance can reveal mind-blowing details once you bother to take a closer look at it. Like two visible areolas.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Xavier Jackson, Curren Mcdowell, Alaric Penname
- Published
The 6 Most Hilariously Insane Overreactions of All Time
Even if you've never, say, pulled a gun on somebody who cut you off in traffic, you've probably only imagined yourself doing it. Not everyone is capable of such restraint.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
The 6 Most Baffling Crimes Pulled Off by Senior Citizens
Old people are like hamsters -- adorable but generally useless. However, some of them try to shatter at least half of this stereotype by breaking the law in spectacular fashion.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Josh Hrala
- Published
5 Car Designs You Won't Believe Were Actually Approved
After more than a century of automobile design, it's understandable that a few of those ideas were less than genius. In fact, some were quite profoundly stupid.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
5 Famous Movie Sets That Might Be in Your Neighborhood
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Steve Hanley
- Published
6 Movie Heroes Saved by Gaping Plot Holes
You'd be surprised at how many classic movies break their own rules when it's convenient to the writers
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published
The 5 Stupidest Things Ever Done With Borders
Where you find a border, you usually find somebody pissed off about it.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
5 Petty Feuds That Shaped the Modern World
Just because they're titans of business and leaders of nations, that doesn't mean grown men are above letting some name-calling influence their decisions.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Historical Events Happening More Recently Than You Think
Apparently, things that we thought only existed in the black and white world were still around until just a few years ago.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia , Eric Yosomono, Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 One-of-a-Kind Things You Won't Believe Had Duplicates
They say that there's nothing new under the sun, and that applies to more things than you realize.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
5 People Who Held Grudges Well Past the Point of Sanity
True story: This is an article full of people so angry that one tracked down the author and threatened him.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, Chris Radomile
- Published
The 5 Most Impossible Sniper Shots Ever Made
Shooting from such a long range incurs a wide array of difficulties, leading to situations where making a successful shot is, by all logic and reason, impossible. It is in these situations where the best snipers sniff, wipe the sweat from their eyes and make the shot anyway.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson, James Benoist
- Published
6 Insane Roads You Won't Believe People Actually Drive On
None of nature's obstacles can keep man from going where he wants to go. For evidence, you only need to look at where we've chosen to build our highways, oblivious to all obstacles, elements and mortal danger.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
6 Historical Events That Are Way More Modern Than You Think
In which you'll discover that stuff you only thought existed in grainy old pictures continued until just a few years ago.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Pauli Poisuo, Jacopo della Quercia , Xavier Jackson
- Published
5 Famous Space Missions That Almost Ended In Disaster
When it comes to the reality of space, you can't just make up some tech jargon and reconfigure the deflector shields. It involves a lot more effort to think through panic, fire and toxic fumes.
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published