
Jason Pargin

I am the Executive Editor of Cracked.com and NYT bestselling author David Wong, which is the pseudonym of a real person named Jason Pargin.

14 Photographs That Shatter Your Image of Famous People

When you step out the door, you're playing a role. Whether you're a hippie, stock broker, police officer or biker, you dress the way the world expects you to dress, you act the way the world expects you to act. So you can imagine how much more intense this is for celebrities, whose very careers depend on managing a public image down to the molecule


5 Ways to Spot a B.S. Political Story in Under 10 Seconds

To learn anything useful during an election year, you need to be able to sort through all of the garbage to find the actual information and insight. So let me just tell you right now that you can safely ignore any story if you follow these steps.


5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women: Update

Go to the front page of any mostly male discussion site like Reddit.com and see how many inches you can browse before finding several thousand men bemoaning how all women are gold-digging whores (7,500 upvotes) and how crazy and irrational women are (9,659 upvotes) and how horrible and gross and fat women are (4,000 upvotes).


Presenting The Most WTF Trailer Ever: 'John Dies at the End'

WARNING: The following contains numerous monsters and implied male nudity. Also may contain implied gore and implied flamethrower and implied interdimensional travel and the evil prison guard from The Shawshank Redemption and award-winning actor Paul Giamatti.


The Day the Gaming Industry Died: Impressions from E3 2010

This week is maybe the biggest of the year in the world of entertainment. This is when all of the games you'll be playing for the next twelve months are unveiled at the Electronic Entertainment Expo. This year's event, however, will more likely be remembered as the precise moment video gaming as we know it died a tragic and embarrassing death.


6 Popular Monster Myths (That Prove Humanity Is Doomed)

Pretty much all of the cultures on Earth have believed in monsters for most of their history. But why? Well, it has to do with the wiring of the human brain, the evolution of cultures and, most importantly, the fact that people are jerks.


5 Horror Novels That Will Shrivel Your Balls This Halloween

I don't have time to read books. So to actually make room in my day to sit down and crack one open, it had better be a bona fide freaking flaming word volcano.So when I say these are the horror novels worth reading this Halloween, I'm not screwing around.

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