Ancient Peruvian Sex Pottery

Ancient Peruvian Sex Pottery
As we've covered before, ancient peoples displayed some pretty bizarre expressions of sexuality. The Incas and Moche created incredibly intricate clay vessels that could tell entire stories; stories like "Once upon a time, this lady had sex with Death himself."

Peru's Museo Larco has an "Erotic Gallery" stocked with this pervy pottery. We're talking couples in wide-eyed coitus, humongous genitalia, and a host of skeletons rattling their own bones.

It's easy to read tales of virility and patriarchy into these pieces, but scholars think there was a more basic reason: it's always been funny as hell to make your friends drink out of a penis-shaped cup.

Stirrup vessel with a couple 100-800 AD Bridge vessel in the form of a couple 100-700 AD

The dead participate in sexual activities that are non-procreative, such as masturbation. CRACKED COM

The objective of these activities is not procreation, but rather the release of semen, the fertilizing fluid that must then be offered to the earth, w

It's unclear whether 'ratf ing was a popular expression in ancient Peru.

Other vessels feature a woman with a disproportionately large vulva. Given its structure, anyone drinking from the vessel is forced to do SO from the

We also find scenes in which men and women participate in sexual acts that may even include deities or the dead.

This mug was designed to be filled with an opaque liquid, sO as to slowly reveal the sneaky penis within. CRACKEDCOMT

vessels in which the handle is an erect penis, while on the border that is not intended for drinking a horizontal row of perforations can be seen. Inc
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