Weird World

5 Ridiculous Assassination Plots That Actually Worked
Before the Internet came along, one of humanity's favorite methods of letting others know we disapproved of them was by assassinating their asses. And like the Internet, sometimes the stupidest stuff is what usually worked.
- Authors
- By Chris Wright
- Published
5 Iconic Characters You Didn't Know Were Ripoffs
- Authors
- By Monte Richard
- Published
Cracked Round-Up: Gaffetember Edition
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
5 Stupid Bets That Changed the World
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez
- Published
The 6 Most Baffling Political Ads Ever Aired
Not every politician has celebrities and CEOs supporting them. No, some of them have to find 'creative' ways to get attention in their ads.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
5 Mind-Blowingly Valuable Things Hidden in Everyday Life
Even outside of the obvious and silly examples, there are all sorts of situations where money works in ways that we just can't wrap our minds around.
- Authors
- By Chris Zeigler
- Published
7 Bizarre Ways You Didn't Know 9/11 Changed the World
Because of 9/11 the world was affected in a number of bizarre, unexpected ways that largely went unreported, for obvious reasons.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans, Curren Mcdowell, Justin Crockett
- Published
8 Badass Tourist Destinations for the Criminally Insane
If you really want a tourist experience that will make your loved ones demand 'What the Christ were you thinking?' then we have a few recommendations for you.
- Authors
- By Monte Richard, E. Reid Ross
- Published
The 5 Most Hilarious Ways Anyone Ever Failed at Their Job
These are the kinds of things professionals have nightmares about: the hilariously ironic failures that everyone will find out about.
- Authors
- By Simon Bower , John Parry
- Published
5 Ridiculous Lies That Fooled The Whole World
P.T. Barnum would be proud.
- Authors
- By Lillian Marx
- Published
5 Fan Fiction Sex Scenes You Won't Believe Exist
Let us take a look at some of the most mind-boggling and disturbing pairings the minds of fan fiction writers have come up with
- Authors
- By Eric A.
- Published
5 Insane Falls You Won't Believe People Survived
The laws of physics are weird. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to it -- especially considering that these miraculous, one-in-a-million survival stories happen surprisingly often.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published