13 Mythbusting Moments Necessary Because Of Our Wretched Internet

Ah, the internet. A place where facts and fiction blend together in a dizzying array of information and misinformation. Where one can find the answer to any question, no matter how obscure. And, of course, where countless people have fallen for the most outrageous hoaxes and pranks.

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From the urban legend of Mister Rogers being a Navy SEAL to the hoax of a mythical Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, the internet is full of stories that have been taken as truth. And while some of these hoaxes may seem too ridiculous to be believed, they have still managed to fool many, many people.

In this list, we'll take a look at 13 of the dumbest internet hoaxes that have been perpetrated over the years. From fake diseases to time travelers, these hoaxes have managed to fool even the most skeptical of internet users. So, without further ado, let's take a look at these 13 dumb internet hoaxes that countless people fell for.

Endangered species? Sasquatch? Sure, why not.

LOC / SCV News 

Wrongly credited inventor.


"Fake it 'til you make it" - David Yoo, 2003, probably.

CNN / Colour Box 

Gang Initiation: Flashing Lights Edition.


Time-traveling John Titor: the internet's favorite conspiracy.

IEEE / Documentaries 

Bielefeld: Not Fake, But Worth a Million Euros.

AP News / CBC 

"National Rape Day" a myth, TikTok won't tolerate it.

Snopes / Pexels 

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