15 Pieces of Pop-Culture History You Can Own If You’re Obscenely Wealthy or Simply Unwell


You can see why some pop-culture artifacts end up changing hands for absurd amounts of money. Peter Jackson — of Lord of the Rings fame — paid $805,000 for the car used in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, and why not? It’s a charming film, a big awesome-looking prop and he’s richer than most countries.

You can absolutely see why people would pay enormous amounts of cash for R2-D2, or Marilyn Monroe’s dress from The Seven-Year Itch — these are iconic pieces of pop culture, immediately and eternally recognizable.

But there are people who shell out huge sums for far less notable items. Whether due to opportunity, creepiness or just having too much money, chunks of cash regularly change hands in exchange for fairly questionable stuff.

As Seen on Famous Groins

Source / GQ 

What Are You ‘NSyncing?

Source / ET 

Good Value? No It’s Snot

Source / EW 

Britney Spears’ Pregnancy Test, Sold by an Asshole to an Asshole

Source / Capital FM 

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