37 Bits of Trivia Hidden in TV, Movies and Everyday Life

It came as a shock to us, but we just learned that watching movies and TV shows are just a couple of the things we can do in this life. This list was the eye-opener, the awakening that we needed to get out there and see the world. Once we realized that Easter eggs aren’t only found in our favorite shows and movies, getting out into the world to find more felt like an exciting new opportunity.
As long as we don’t have to be in the sun or converse with anyone, we’ll be just fine!
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The AMV Runestone

Tim Post/Minnesota Public Radio
5 Ridiculous Archaeological Frauds (That Fooled the World)

Source: Screen Rant

The Archives of Terror

Mass Sacrifice

A lost city with more buildings than Manhattan was discovered in Mexico.

The Holocaust

A Giant Penguin

Fishermen found ancient artifacts in their nets.

A 4th Century Urn

The Paris Catacombs

My Little Pony

Source: Vice
Lord Business' TAKOS plan involves an Octopus robot, the very thing "tako" means in Japanese

Source: Wikipedia

The Secrets of the Ice Project

King Kong

The Millennium Falcon in 'Blade Runner'

Source: Olly Gibbs/Twitter

Super Mario Bros

Source: Reddit

Source: Game Rant

You like that, don't you, you freaky li'l filmaholic.

Gravity Falls

The Rocky Horror Picture Show

The Spider-Verse

Schitt’s Creek

Source: 16 Easter Eggs And Hidden Meanings In 'Schitt's Creek'