39 Clever Gems in Classic Movies Hidden Just Below the Surface

Time for the Easter egg hunt of all Easter egg hunts (after reading this, of course)
39 Clever Gems in Classic Movies Hidden Just Below the Surface

Normally, when we find out someone pulled a fast one on us, we fly into a blind rage at their deception, and wake up in our tattered purple underwear in the custody of military police. But these filmmakers get a pass. Theyve sprinkled in some hidden gems so subtle, we just had to give their films a second look. 

Congrats, you crafty devils, you got us. This time

Easter Eggs for Polyglots The Lego Movie octopus Tuesday! Lord Business' Taco Tuesday is about the octopus-like TAKOS machine - and as it turns out, tako is Japanese for octopus. CRACKED.COM
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