39 Clever Gems in Classic Movies Hidden Just Below the Surface

39 Clever Gems in Classic Movies Hidden Just Below the Surface

Normally, when we find out someone pulled a fast one on us, we fly into a blind rage at their deception, and wake up in our tattered purple underwear in the custody of military police. But these filmmakers get a pass. Theyve sprinkled in some hidden gems so subtle, we just had to give their films a second look. 

Congrats, you crafty devils, you got us. This time

Easter Eggs for Polyglots The Lego Movie octopus Tuesday! Lord Business' Taco Tuesday is about the octopus-like TAKOS machine - and as it turns out, tako is Japanese for octopus. CRACKED.COM

Pixar Easter Eggs Sully You can see a wood carving of Monsters, Inc.'s Sully in the background of the Witch's workshop. Fan theories suggest the Witch is actually little Boo, but we would object that that's not far-fetched enough. Brave CRACKED.COM


Easter Eggs Evil Dead Sam Raimi puts his Oldsmobile in every film he makes. Spider-Man CRACKED.COM


Easter Eggs NIXON Zodiac/True Detective In both, yellow stands for corruption and decay. In True Detective, it also stands for the villainous serial killer, the King in Yellow. CRACKED COM


CRACKED T S E JA39 Rautic 0312839699 МОЗИ GUS VAN SANT GAVE HITCHCOCK A POST-MORTEM CAMEO. Hitchcock famously had cameos in 39 of his 52 films. In Van Sant's '90s Psycho remake, he pays homage to the late director by having a Hitchcock look-alike in a scene with the real-life cameo of Van Sant himself.


CRACKED BEAUTY AND THE BEAST CHARACTERS HAVE CAMEOS IN TARZAN. Before Terk, Tantor, and some ape pals trash the camp, we see (faceless) Mrs. Potts and Chip among the unpacked items. Chip even has his little chip.


HARRY POTTERFILMS All Slytherin students have matching tie pins and rings to show their heritage. No other house has these accessories or such detailed costumes. CRACKED.COM


TEXAS T'TURNPIKEL IOS de lavida RESERVED Como LE FOR ITS TO CLERGY 49 DEATH PROOF Kurt Russell's shirt from Big Trouble in Little China hangs on the bar wall. CRACKED.COM


ETERNALS The MCU film has a 2001: A Space Odyssey Easter egg. When the Domo makes its appearance at the beginning of the movie, it's at such an angle that its nose resembles The Monolith in Kubrick S movie. CRACKED.COM


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