Weird World
5 Massive Problems We'd Face Living On Another Planet
There are problems with interplanetary colonization that sci-fi doesn't warn you about -- most of which involve our imminent doom.
- Authors
- By Joseph Fernando
- Published
7 Insane Police Tactics That'd Be Funny If They Weren't Real
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- By Mark Hill
- Published
6 Foreign Words So Dark There Are No English Equivalents
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- By Cornelius Heyer
- Published
6 People You've Never Heard Of (Who Secretly Rule The World)
- Authors
- By Jason Iannone
- Published
8 Statues Of Famous People (That Look Absolutely Insane)
The tribute to Nathan Bedford Forrest looks as if someone took the original Burger King and smothered him in liquid metal as he screamed in agony.
- Authors
- By Chris Radomile
- Published
I Accidentally Took PCP And Went Crazy: 6 Insane Lessons
The following is a very real account and not to be confused for a sequel to 'Conspiracy Theory.'
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- By Anonymous, Ryan Menezes
- Published
19 Famous Places You Picture Wrong: Side By Side
Sometimes all it takes to suck the magic out of a place is to visit it and discover hundreds of other people had the same delusions you do.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Language Tricks Your Brain Falls For Every Time
Finally, an answer as to why Bob from accounting is doing so much better than you.
- Authors
- By XJ Selman
- Published
5 Evil Plants We Should Probably Get Rid Of
Every part of the manchineel tree has been designed by Mother Nature to kill humans in the most horrifying ways possible.
- Authors
- By Matthew Moffitt
- Published
21 Amazing Holidays In Other Countries We Should Steal
Quite frankly there aren't enough holidays in America centered around vikings and getting staggering drunk.
- Authors
- By AM Smiley
- Published
6 Shockingly Outdated Problems The US Legal System Won't Fix
We blame John Grisham and Law & Order for why so many bafflingly archaic flaws still exist in our laws, courtrooms, and prisons.
- Authors
- By Natalie Vail
- Published
Crazy Processes Used To Make Popular Products
When you toss your marbles into the trash, you're throwing away someone's super tedious hard work.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
6 Scientifically Impossible Scenarios You've Worried About
There are several popular doomsday scenarios that movies and the Internet love to toss around, despite the fact that, according to science, they could never possibly happen.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears
- Published
7 Ways Restaurants Screw You Over (With Science)
Everything from where you sit to the fake smells restaurants throw your way are making a damn fool out you.
- Authors
- By Michael Hossey
- Published
5 Frightening Hellholes (That Are Now Ordinary Places)
History never truly fades away. No, sometimes leftover monuments to the horrors of humanity are turned into vacation destinations.
- Authors
- By Marina Reimann
- Published