Weird World
5 Brilliant Crimes By People Who Totally Sucked At Crime
Most people would sell the art they steal when they learn it's worth over a billion dollars. Not Stephane Breitwiester.
- Authors
- By Jim Avery
- Published
5 Horrifying Tragedies Behind Everyday Routines
- Authors
- By Jordan Breeding, Claudio Buttice
- Published
6 People Who Were The Scum Of The Earth During Tragedies
- Authors
- By Dawn Morrow
- Published
5 Ways The U.S. Is Still Horrible At Handling Disabilities
- Authors
- By Jordan Breeding
- Published
Kills 99% Of Germs: 6 Ad Phrases That Mean Literally Nothing
Some marketing ploys have become so ingrained in our culture, we simply accept them as fact.
- Authors
- By Michael Dawson , Ivan Farkas, Eamon Lahiri
- Published
5 Horrifying Jobs That Almost Make You Prefer Unemployment
The next time you're having a bad day, remember that you could be clocking in to a day's worth of web gore and child pornography.
- Authors
- By Norbert Gehardt
- Published
5 World-Famous Landmarks That Have Totally Weirdo Secrets
Even our most solemn and serious places can have some really strange Easter eggs in them.
- Authors
- By Jim Avery
- Published
18 Powerful Illustrations Of Time In Action
Who needs tree rings when there's much cooler stuff to show you the passage of time?
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- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
4 Backwards Medical Beliefs In Otherwise Developed Countries
When traveling in Germany, refuse the temptation to open any windows.
- Authors
- By Wes Corwin
- Published
6 Normal People Who Became Crazy Badasses When Facing Danger
There are real folks out there who, when danger came a-knocking, mustered the mental steel to uppercut danger in its stupid idiot face.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, Marina Reimann
- Published
5 Annoying Modern Debates That Have Been Around Forever
What's actually fake news is thinking Donald Trump coined the idea of 'fake news.'
- Authors
- By Nathan Williams
- Published
6 Ways You're Secretly Ruining Your Waiter's Life
Being a server is a tough job, but there are so many more horses on their carousel of suck beside the bad hours, little pay and sore feet.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe
- Published
The 5 Most Creatively Bizarre Military Units In History
War is terrible, but our popular culture is obsessed with it for a reason -- the history of warfare is full of great, weird stories.
- Authors
- By Sergei Korolev
- Published
6 Terrifying Powers You Didn't Know The Government Had
If you're worried about your information getting sold, maybe never get a driver's license.
- Authors
- By Chris Radomile
- Published
6 Totally WTF Mike Pence Stories Nobody Ever Brings Up
For people hoping Donald Trump will get the boot, the guy behind is kind of also super terrible.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe
- Published