17 Horrifying Ways Sex Can Go Terribly Wrong
All of these stories are true and are enough to make us want to chain up our genitals for life.
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
18 Images That Prove Sex Used to Be Insane
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
27 Sex Myths You Need to Stop Believing
- Authors
- By Cracked Plasticians
- Published
The 6 Most WTF Old-Timey Porn Trends
- Authors
- By Tristan Cooper
- Published
6 Insane Sex Myths (That Are Actually True)
We probably shouldn't have been so quick to call B.S. on those myths we heard back in high school.
- Authors
- By Aaron Granger
- Published
5 Weird but Effective Alternate Uses for Sex Products
Lots of products you thought were the exclusive domain of your down-there areas are in fact used in some surprisingly practical ways.
- Authors
- By Veronica Dymond
- Published
6 Ways Your Brain Is Sabotaging Your Sex Life
It's true -- our own psychology is constantly working against us. Our heads are full of destructive and downright wrong ideas that we just can't get past, due to biology, upbringing, or both.
- Authors
- By J.F. Sargent
- Published
5 Ways Modern Men Are Trained to Hate Women: Update
Go to the front page of any mostly male discussion site like and see how many inches you can browse before finding several thousand men bemoaning how all women are gold-digging whores (7,500 upvotes) and how crazy and irrational women are (9,659 upvotes) and how horrible and gross and fat women are (4,000 upvotes).
- Authors
- By Jason Pargin
- Published
The 5 Creepiest 'Progressive' Parenting Fads
You don't want to be your old-fashioned, neglectful parents; no, you're the wave of the future, and your kids are the waviest of the future, and you know it. And then that entire line of thinking gets completely out of hand and ridiculous stuff like this starts happening.
- Authors
- By Dawn Morrow
- Published
The 7 Worst Sex Lives in the Animal Kingdom
As it turns out in the animal kingdom, for one gender, sex is the only reason they're alive; for the other, it's a terrifying, painful nightmare.
- Authors
- By Brittany Fain, Jack Relf
- Published
The 6 Sleaziest Ways Animals Are Mimicking Human Sexuality
Have you ever asked, 'Are there disturbing ways in which animal sex lives resemble ours?' The answer is yes, unfortunately. Also, you're a pervert.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez
- Published
The 5 Weirdest Reasons We Have Sex (According to Science)
We're not saying these theories behind our sexual behaviors are the gospel truth or that there aren't other, conflicting theories out there. But if they are, sex is even weirder than we thought.
- Authors
- By Kristi Harrison
- Published
5 Ridiculous Sex Myths Everyone Believes
What do you know about sex? Even with all that you have going for you, the real and correct answer is probably 'nothing.'
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
5 Insignificant Things That Determine Who You Have Sex With
Turns out there are even more things that get people to consider knowing us in the biblical way, and they're so subtle and random that pants-wearing just seems stupid now.
- Authors
- By Kathy Benjamin, Paul K Pickett
- Published
5 Historic Sex Scandals That Put Bill Clinton to Shame
People have been sticking their bits in ill-advised places since the beginning of time, and history has its share of scandals where the details of the stories are actually quite a bit weirder.
- Authors
- By Dennis Fulton
- Published