Science & History

The 7 Most Terrifying Mouths in Nature
Sure, a lot of nature's creatures seem harmless, but then they open their mouths.
- Authors
- By Warren Tilson, Monte Richard, E. Reid Ross
- Published
The 5 Most Adorable Stories in the History of War
- Authors
- By Dustin Koski, R. Jason Benson, Adam Koski
- Published
The 5 Stupidest Looking Superpowers in the Animal Kingdom
- Authors
- By Kier Harris, Monte Richard, E. Reid Ross
- Published
5 Ridiculous Medical Myths You Probably Believe
- Authors
- By Jesse Clark
- Published
The 7 Most Terrifying Archaeological Discoveries
In reality, we all know archaeology is nothing like what we see in movies. No ... it's way more terrifying.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears, S. McClelland-Crosby
- Published
5 Seemingly Harmless Things That Are Stressing You Out
Ever fly into a rage for no reason? It's almost like you were stressed out and on the verge of snapping for hours before that. Despite how you felt, it turns out that's exactly what was going on.
- Authors
- By XJ Selman
- Published
5 Absurd Sci-Fi Scenarios Science is Actually Working On
While it's easy to imagine watching the hopeful utopia of Star Trek and saying, 'Let's make that real!' it's a little stranger to think the same after watching Blade Runner or Gattaca. Yet here we are.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
5 Scientific Explanations for Your Sexual Perversions
While maybe we can't explain your thing with puppets, science does have a few ideas about the other stuff we're into.
- Authors
- By Robert Evans
- Published
13 Old War Photographs You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped
Maybe some of the ways we picture WWII looking -- all razor-jawed men charging through the mud in black and white -- isn't entirely accurate. Because we know for a fact that at least some of the soldiers were carrying floppy dong-shaped rifles into battle.
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono
- Published
5 Nazi Plans That Prove They Were Dumber Than You Think
Other websites like to tiptoe around the issue, but we've never hesitated to come out and just say it: The Nazis were bad. We're also going out on a limb with this once: They were stupid.
- Authors
- By Jacopo della Quercia
- Published
6 Terrifying Creatures That Keep Going After They're Dead
If you're anything like us, cutting off a deadly snake's head is your best and only move, and sometimes not even that will work.
- Authors
- By K. Montagne, Dagmar Baer
- Published
6 Insane Pet Journeys That Put Disney Movies to Shame
Just FYI: These stories require even more suspension of disbelief than any Pixar movie.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez
- Published
6 Scientific Advances Courtesy of Reckless Self-Endangerment
It turns out that even science isn't always an exact science. There are plenty of white-coated professionals throughout history who spat in the face of empirical research and just injected themselves with shit to see what would happen.
- Authors
- By Chris Rio
- Published
The 5 Scariest Things About Life as a Human Test Subject
Human medical test subject is in that category of jobs that kind of seems like free money. Free, horrifying money
- Authors
- By Sara Ohlms, Mary Johnson
- Published
The 5 Most Horrifyingly Bad Mothers in the Animal Kingdom
While human mothers certainly deserve all of the flowers and phone calls they get on Mother's Day, we dare say that there are other species where motherhood is an even more trying and/or terrifying ordeal.
- Authors
- By Monte Richard
- Published