Elden Ring

When you hear George R.R. Martin and Hidetaka Miyazaki are making a video game, you expect pants-poopingly crazy twists and turns. Then you realize Elden Ring is even wilder than imagined. That's when the excitement goes from “finding five bucks in your laundry" to “winning multimillions on scratch offs.” Yeah, Elden Ring is that good. Just don't die from hype.

What's not to love? It's artful, interesting, and immersive. Elden Ring doesn't make you do chores. Elden Ring has crazy mods. Elden Ring's fanbase is horny weirdos who also help people out of pure kindness (aka our type of people). It's getting discussed in video game GOAT conversations, and…did you read the last three sentences? Of course it's getting discussed in video game GOAT conversations. Just don't let any of these whippersnappers tell you how hard Elden Ring is: retro games were way harder. No, we're not going to clarify any double entendres. 


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