
Hammond, Indiana

Real Name:
Tiffany T. Cole
Member Since:
March 28, 2012

About Me

I live in Hammond, Indiana. A lot of writers list the odd things they live with, like their awesome mixture of pets or creepy collections, but I am (unfortunately) not one of those writers. I wish I had a giant fish tank and three cats and a miniature schnauzer; however, my Shrine of Creativity, also known as my work desk, will do for now.

I can't exactly say I'm the most exciting of people, at least not without sugar. After all, my life consists of staring at a computer screen for hours every day. In real life, I don't have a whole lot to say. I'm that girl with the glasses who smiles and giggles entirely too much. When people finally realize that I won't say anything, I observe the area like a writer dissecting a scene. Don't get me started on anything I'm passionate about, though.

Apart from writing and reading, I enjoy hanging with my boyfriend (who also writes), watching dark or comedic anime, browsing the internet, listening to music, and reading blogs. I especially love Silent Hill, Voltaire, Tv Tropes, and Neil Gaiman. I don't enjoy winter, rudeness, or laziness. Being hungry for too long is my berserk button.

I write short stories, nonfiction and novels. Savior of the Damned, the first book in my Danse Macabre series, and Marketing for Writers are my two main projects as of January 2012. I also critique, review, and promote books.


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