

Real Name:
Fox Doucette
Member Since:
September 22, 2011

About Me

I write for a living, but I'm not funny enough for Cracked. I ran ChampionshipD.com, where I wrote about sports and (on Wednesdays, because I am a poorly-closeted geek, video games.) Stopped running it late last year because my life went to shit; I'll announce my next project soon enough. Follow me on Twitter @RealFoxD, and next time you're wasting time on Facebook, add a /MysteryShipRadio to your URL and let me entertain you. If you want to read some of my older stuff, I've been published at The Boxing Tribune, The Escapist, and GameFAQs (and I'm one of those proud souls whom GameFAQs has actually paid for articles).

Or just upvote my comments to make me feel better about myself when I'm trying to avoid work.

And to answer the question nobody asks: He's a beaver, his name is Chainsaw, and vagina jokes offend him.

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