
Charlotte, NC

Real Name:
Member Since:
May 01, 2010

About Me

I'm the type of dude who likes the simple things in life: beer, movies, friends, sweaty sex, karaoke, fine European Cheeses, white sandy beaches, spaceships, zombiekillin, combining two words intoone, french ticklers, General Tsao's Chicken, open mic nights, solid gold toilets, you know, the usual.

Sometimes I look up at the night sky and wonder the following things:
Why are the Power Rangers allowed to be color coded but bathrooms aren't anymore?
If we did have color coded bathrooms, would transvestites have a different color toilet than a hermaphrodite?
Has anyone ever answered Paula Cole's catchy question, where have all the cowboys gone? If so, why hasn't she done a follow up song?
If two wrongs don't make a right, then why do I still want a threesome?

These are things I wonder as of March 30, 2011. I'm sure I'll wonder other things soon. Like in 2013 I'll wonder,
"If all these Zombies walking around want to eat my brains, then why didn't I buy more ammo before societies collapse?"

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