Weird World
5 Kids Who Kick Ass at Stuff They Shouldn't Be Allowed to Do
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez, Dennis Fulton
- Published
The 5 Worst Marketing Ideas Ever Put into Action
- Authors
- By Eric Yosomono, Chris Rio, Evan V. Symon , Jack Hall
- Published
6 One-of-a-Kind Things You Won't Believe Had Duplicates
- Authors
- By Xavier Jackson
- Published
7 Celebrities Who Invented Amazing Things on the Side
Most of us are lucky if we can make it through life with even one outstanding talent. But some just aren't content with that.
- Authors
- By Adam Wears
- Published
5 Infuriating Things Nobody Tells You About College
When it comes to lowering your expectations of the adult world, it doesn't get much better than finding out about this kind of crap.
- Authors
- By Lillian Marx
- Published
5 Ways to Improve Cats
On paper, no one can argue with cats. Nice concept. Clean design. Right size. Good noise level. Yet few men I know own cats. We fix that ...
- Authors
- By Joe Donatelli
- Published
The 5 Most Diabolical Crimes Planned and Executed by Kids
We're not encouraging children to commit crimes, or applauding the terrible deeds committed by these kids. We're just saying we're kind of impressed.
- Authors
- By Eddie Rodriguez, Dennis Fulton
- Published
5 Giant City-Wide Parties You Won't Believe Are Real
Are the celebrations herein involving fire and dicks and animal shit any stranger than, say, New Year's Eve, or Mardi Gras? Actually, yes.
- Authors
- By Kier Harris, Isaac Cabe
- Published
7 People Who Risked It All to Achieve (Very Stupid) Goals
Obviously some people seem to be training to win the gold in the screwed-up priorities Olympics.
- Authors
- By Simon Bower , Eddie Rodriguez
- Published
5 Terrifying Secrets About Riding in an Ambulance
We have some bad news: The world of ambulances, and the long-suffering crews who work inside them, is quite a bit more horrifying than you thought.
- Authors
- By John Dubensky
- Published
The 6 Craziest People Who Are Overpopulating the World
Millions of us are so terrified of or disinterested in having kids that we'll literally never do it. But the world's population keeps inflating like a balloon because there are plenty of people at the opposite end of that spectrum. Way, way at the opposite end.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Meg Anastasia
- Published