Weird World

The 6 Craziest People Who Are Overpopulating the World
Millions of us are so terrified of or disinterested in having kids that we'll literally never do it. But the world's population keeps inflating like a balloon because there are plenty of people at the opposite end of that spectrum. Way, way at the opposite end.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Meg Anastasia
- Published
6 Pet Products That Prove Rich People Have Gone Insane
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
The 6 Most Nonchalant Ways People Dodged Death (Repeatedly)
- Authors
- By Matt Piner, Matteo Gatto
- Published
5 Geek Fantasies You Won't Believe You Can Buy
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Ben Denny, Justin Crockett
- Published
The 6 Most Impressive Serial Criminals in the Animal Kingdom
Have you ever turned around and caught your cat staring at you like he was planning something illegal? Well, it turns out that he probably was.
- Authors
- By K. Montagne, Dagmar Baer
- Published
The 5 Most Baffling Product Recalls of All Time
It's safe to say that no product hits the market without months or years of testing first. Yet sometimes you hear about a product that fails in a way that almost seems like intentional sabotage and/or a cruel practical joke.
- Authors
- By Paul Blank
- Published
10 Ways a Conga Line is Exactly Like a Cult
And one key difference.
- Authors
- By Dan Markowitz
- Published
5 People Who Escaped Death By Being Lazy
Nothing makes a person feel more alive than narrowly escaping death, especially if it was due to a thrilling display of reflexes and quick thinking. But then you have the people who escaped their doom via pure accident, incompetence or irresponsibility.
- Authors
- By Sara Ohlms
- Published
The 6 Creepiest Sexual Encounters in Comic Book History
Comic books have mastered the art of finding new and creative ways of making sex bizarrely unappealing, even to people who read comic books.
- Authors
- By Diana McCallum, E.D. Gonzalez
- Published
5 Supposedly Badass Criminals Caught in Embarrassing Ways
Criminal masterminds do exist; there are bad guys who have gotten away with their deeds for decades without ever leaving enough evidence behind for the cops to make a case. Yet, when these guys eventually get caught, the reason is usually exactly as stupid as that time your neighborhood meth head got nailed for trying to steal a cop car with the co
- Authors
- By Douglas A. McDonnell, Evan V. Symon
- Published
5 True Tales of Good Fortune With Horribly Cruel Plot Twists
If life loves to beat one lesson into our heads over and over again, it's this: If something is too good to be true, it almost always is. Just ask these people.
- Authors
- By Erik Germ
- Published
The 17 Most Important Things Said About the 2012 NFL Draft
For the handful of you who weren't following along live, we covered the 2012 NFL draft live last night. On the job from the Cracked war-room, we had Soren Bowie (our resident NFL expert and a die hard Broncos fan) as well as Cody Johnston (has a last name that sounds sort of like that of Magic and Michael Johnson, who are both athletes).
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
6 Old-Timey Comics Straight Out of a (Bad) Acid Trip
Why is it that Batman (1939) and Superman (1938) endured when all of the other comic book characters from that era were forgotten? Well, it's partly because they were absolutely insane. Behold the dark madness ...
- Authors
- By Pip Ury
- Published
6 'Luxury' Spa Treatments for the Extremely Rich and Insane
Different people find different things relaxing. Some people enjoy a nice massage, others enjoy elephants stepping on them.
- Authors
- By Isaac Cabe
- Published
18 Images You Won't Believe Aren't Photoshopped (Part 9)
As we've demonstrated many times before in our most popular feature on Cracked, the forces of the universe love the sound of people shouting 'Fake!' at their computer screens, and photographers love to capture the proof.
- Authors
- By Joe Russo
- Published