Weird World

5 Priceless Works of Art Destroyed by Unintentional Hilarity
Like a slapstick movie where the buffoon main character encounters a priceless work of art, and then accidentally destroys it in some hilarious way, a shocking number of the world's great pieces have in fact been ruined in this fashion.
- Authors
- By Siobhan McKeown
- Published
5 Bizarre Ways You Can Brainwash a Courtroom
- Authors
- By Kathy Benjamin, Lillian Marx
- Published
5 Real Judges Who Put the Most Evil Supervillain to Shame
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross, Tom Rodgers
- Published
6 Nobodies Who Stumbled Into World Changing Discoveries
- Authors
- By Evan V. Symon
- Published
6 Psychotic Punishments Doled Out by Famous Superheroes
Sometimes a hero's unwavering moral code results in the meting out of far more cruel and unusual punishments than a quick, clean death.
- Authors
- By Drew Anderson
- Published
If Airplane Safety Instructions Were Honest
Plus, loads of extra seatback reading material!
- Authors
- By Winston Rowntree
- Published
The 5 Most Insane Examples of Chinese Counterfeiting
The amount of work and creativity the Chinese underworld puts into their fakes is so damn impressive that you have to wonder why they'd ever need to steal other people's ideas.
- Authors
- By Cezary Jan Strusiewicz
- Published
6 Iconic Things You Won't Believe Began as Publicity Stunts
Apparently, some of the most iconic places and rituals in the world were started purely to create 'buzz.'
- Authors
- By Erik Germ, Tracy V.
- Published
6 Tiny Mistakes That Caused Apocalyptic Explosions
Settle in and celebrate the fact that no matter how badly you've screwed up at work, you've probably never caused an explosion that destroyed half of a city.
- Authors
- By Douglas A. McDonnell, Sohrab Merchant
- Published
5 Insane Cases of Imposters Passing for World Leaders
Looking like someone famous can lead to a lot of good things ... and lots of ridiculous, ridiculous things (including porn).
- Authors
- By Karl Smallwood, Evan V. Symon
- Published
The 6 Worst Hiding Places in the History of Crime
We have to admit: We love us a good 'dumb criminal' story -- which is we're going to take a moment to celebrate these idiots.
- Authors
- By R. Barr
- Published
5 People From History Who Were Absurdly Hard to Kill
As talents go, being hard to kill is not a bad one to have.
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo
- Published