Weird World

5 Popular Forms of Charity (That Aren't Helping)
- Authors
- By Mark Hill
- Published
Cracked Round-Up: Holy Balls, it's Hot Outside Edition
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff
- Published
The 5 Least Courageous Things Ever Done in a Crisis
- Authors
- By Douglas A. McDonnell
- Published
The 7 Worst Things Airline Pilots Have Done Mid-Flight
People with a fear of flying often cite the sense of helplessness as one of the most terrifying aspects of the phobia. And, well, sometimes it's hard to disagree with them.
- Authors
- By E. Reid Ross
- Published
The 5 Most Excessively Creepy Children's Educational Videos
Is the best way to really teach children to film some disturbing things and then show it to them?
- Authors
- By CRACKED Staff, Clayton Ofbricks
- Published
The 5 Stupidest Excuses Ever Given in a Political Scandal
When the inevitable day arrives where they get caught participating in their deviant activity of choice, some politicians take the high road, and others take the crazy road.
- Authors
- By Joseph Macey
- Published
The 5 Most Bizarre Things People Have Done With Dead Bodies
There are all sorts of hilarious things you could do with a corpse, if only society didn't so strongly disapprove.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published
6 Insanely Valuable Real Treasures (And How to Steal Them)
Guess what? There's loot scattered all over the world, just begging for a charming gentleman thief and his plan that is so insane that it just ... might ... work.
- Authors
- By Ben Denny
- Published
5 Epic Achievements That Aren't as Impressive as You Think
Just like you can name all the state capitals, some of the world's most respected accomplishments aren't all that big of a deal, either.
- Authors
- By James Spedding
- Published
The 6 Creepiest Lies the Food Industry is Feeding You
The food you buy has nothing to do with what it says on the label.
- Authors
- By Pauli Poisuo
- Published
The 5 Creepiest Ways to Immortalize Yourself
We all want to be remembered after we die -- some in crazier ways than others.
- Authors
- By Mark Hill, Jeff Sloan
- Published
6 Ways Japanese Wrestling Makes the WWE Look Sane
You can't get wrestling fans to tune in for a couple of guys pretend-fighting for an hour; you need to spice it up. In Japan, this is done with utter insanity.
- Authors
- By Elsa Moriarty
- Published