Joe Oliveto
Email: Joseph.Oliveto@gmail.com
Twitter: @JoeOliveto1
5 Ways Baby Boomers Keep Getting Worse
Thanks to science and research, there's a whole new crop of (depressing) stereotypes about baby boomers.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
5 Creepy Things A.I. Has Started Doing On Its Own
Artificial intelligence has been the bogeyman of science fiction since before it even existed for real.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
The Rape Joke Hollywood Was Always Weirdly Okay With
Progress means that some of what we laugh at today will be judged very harshly by our grandchildren.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
6 Hilarious Failures Celebrities Want You to Forget
Everything we understand about the universe has now been thrown into question.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Robin Warder
- Published
5 Iconic Characters That Were Only Supposed to Be Bit Parts
Some of your favorite characters are just happy accidents.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Ryan Menezes
- Published
The 5 Most Insanely Misunderstood Morals of Famous Stories
Fans can misinterpret movies or books so badly that they end up becoming the exact same things the authors were warning them about.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Jeremy Kaplowitz, Ridley Davis, Ryan Menezes
- Published
4 Ridiculous Ways 'Law & Order' Covered Celebrity Scandals
While the whole 'ripped from the headlines' genre is fun, things get a little weird whenever Law & Order tackles celebrity scandals.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
7 Bizarre Early Versions of Famous Characters
The reality is that lots of your favorite franchises had to suffer through ill-conceived false starts before rounding into shape, at which point their creators hoped you would forget all about the early efforts.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Maxwell Yezpitelok, Robert Rosati
- Published
5 Absurd Sci-Fi Scenarios Science is Actually Working On
While it's easy to imagine watching the hopeful utopia of Star Trek and saying, 'Let's make that real!' it's a little stranger to think the same after watching Blade Runner or Gattaca. Yet here we are.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
5 Geek Fantasies You Won't Believe You Can Buy
Why can't we pay to, say, experience a real zombie apocalypse, or become a spy? Well, it turns out you can, so start saving up.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Ben Denny, Justin Crockett
- Published
6 Plot Threads Famous Movies Forgot to Resolve
Writing a movie is hard work, and when all is said and done, there are always going to be a few small subplots that get ignored in the third act. But sometimes a filmmaker forgets an important plot thread. And by that, we mean something way more important than the main plot.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto, Nick Slawicz
- Published
The 6 Most Hilarious Undercover Operations Ever Pulled Off
Surely criminals aren't as dimwitted as Hollywood makes them out to be, right?
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published
5 Badass Movie Characters You Didn't Know Were Real People
It turns out some of Hollywood's most grossly unrealistic characters were based on real people.
- Authors
- By Joe Oliveto
- Published